Functional Description
(Note 9)
known. This all assumes a second order filter (not counting
the pole at 0 Hz). However, it is generally recommended that
the loop filter order be one greater than the order of the delta
sigma modulator, which means that a second order filter is
never recommended. In this case, the value for R2p is
typically about 80% of what it would be for a second order
filter. Because the Fastlock disengagement glitch gets larger
and it is harder to keep the loop filter optimized as the K
value becomes larger, designing for the largest possible
value for K usually, but not always yields the best improve-
ment in lock time. To get a more accurate estimate requires
more simulation tools, or trial and error.
1.8.3 Capacitor Dielectric Considerations for Lock
The LMX2485 has a high fractional modulus and high
charge pump gain for the lowest possible phase noise. One
consideration is that the reduced N value and higher charge
pump may cause the capacitors in the loop filter to become
larger in value. For larger capacitor values, it is common to
have a trade-off between capacitor dielectric quality and
physical size. Using film capacitors or NPO/COG capacitors
yields the best possible lock times, where as using X7R or
Z5R capacitors can increase lock time by 0 – 500%. How-
ever, it is a general tendency that designs that use a higher
compare frequency tend to be less sensitive to the effects of
capacitor dielectrics. Although the use of lesser quality di-
electric capacitors may be unavoidable in many circum-
stances, allowing a larger footprint for the loop filter capaci-
tors, using a lower charge pump current, and reducing the
fractional modulus are all ways to reduce capacitor values.
Capacitor dielectrics have very little impact on phase noise
and spurs.
Control of the fractional spurs is more of an art than an exact
science. The first differentiation that needs to be made is
between primary fractional and sub-fractional spurs. The
primary fractional spurs are those that occur at increments of
the channel spacing only. The sub-fractional spurs are those
that occur at a smaller resolution than the channel spacing,
usually one-half or one-fourth. There are trade-offs between
fractional spurs, sub-fractional spurs, and phase noise. The
rules of thumb presented in this section are just that. There
will be exceptions. The bits that impact the fractional spurs
are FM and DITH, and these bits should be set in this order.
The first step to do is choose FM, for the delta sigma
modulator order. It is recommended to start with FM = 3 for
a third order modulator and use strong dithering. In general,
there is a trade-off between primary and sub-fractional
spurs. Choosing the highest order modulator (FM = 0 for 4th
order) typically provides the best primary fractional spurs,
but the worst sub-fractional spurs. Choosing the lowest
modulator order (FM = 2 for 2nd order), typically gives the
worst primary fractional spurs, but the best sub-fractional
spurs. Choosing FM = 3, for a 3rd order modulator is a
The second step is to choose DITH, for dithering. Dithering
has a very small impact on primary fractional spurs, but a
much larger impact on sub-fractional spurs. The only prob-
lem is that it can add a few dB of phase noise, or even more
if the loop bandwidth is very wide. Disabling dithering (DITH
= 0), provides the best phase noise, but the sub-fractional
spurs are worst (except when the fractional numerator is 0,
and in this case, they are the best). Choosing strong dither-
ing (DITH = 2) significantly reduces sub-fractional spurs, if
not eliminating them completely, but adds the most phase
noise. Weak dithering (DITH = 1) is a compromise.
The third step is to tinker with the fractional word. Although
1/10 and 400/4000 are mathematically the same, expressing
fractions with much larger fractional numerators often im-
prove the fractional spurs. Increasing the fractional denomi-
nator only improves spurs to a point. A good practical limit
could be to keep the fractional denominator as large as
possible, but not to exceed 4095, so it is not necessary to
use the extended fractional numerator or denominator.
This steps can be done in different orders and it might take
a few iterations to find the optimum performance. Special
considerations should be taken for lower frequencies that
are below about 100 MHz. In addition squaring up the wave,
it is often helpful to use lowest terms fractions instead of
highest terms fractions.Also, dithering may turn out to not be
so useful. All the things are to introduce a methodical way of
thinking about optimizing spurs, not an exact method. There
will be exceptions to all these rules.
Note 9:
For more information concerning delta-sigma PLLs, loop filter design, cycle slip reduction, Fastlock, and many other topics, visit wireless.national.com. Here
there is the EasyPLL simulation tool and an online reference called "PLL Performance, Simulation, and Design", by Dean Banerjee.