Application Information
Loop Gain Equations
A linear control system model of the phase feedback for a
PLL in the locked state is shown in Figure 2 . The open loop
gain is the product of the phase comparator gain (K
), the
VCO gain (K
/s), and the loop filter gain Z(s) divided by
the gain of the feedback counter modulus (N). The passive
loop filter configuration used is displayed in Figure 3 , while
the complex impedance of the filter is given in Equation (2)
The time constants which determine the pole and zero fre-
quencies of the filter transfer function can be defined as
T2 = R2
The 3rd order PLL Open Loop Gain can be calculated in
terms of frequency,
, the filter time contants T1 and T2, and
the design constants K
, K
, and N.
From Equation (3)we can see that the phase term will be de-
pendent on the single pole and zero such that the phase
margin is determined in Equation (5)
) = tan
T2) tan
T1) + 180C
A plot of the magnitude and phase of G(s) H(s) for a stable
loop, is shown in Figure 4 with a solid trace. The parameter
shows the amount of phase margin that exists at the point
the gain drops below zero (the cutoff frequency wp of the
loop). In a critically damped system, the amount of phase
margin would be approximately 45 degrees.
If we were now to redefine the cut off frequency, wp’, as
double the frequency which gave us our original loop band-
width, wp, the loop response time would be approximately
halved. Because the filter attenuation at the comparison fre-
quency also diminishes, the spurs would have increased by
approximately 6 dB. In the proposed Fastlock scheme, the
higher spur levels and wider loop filter conditions would exist
only during the initial lock-on phase—just long enough to
reap the benefits of locking faster. The objective would be to
open up the loop bandwidth but not introduce any additional
complications or compromises related to our original design
criteria. We would ideally like to momentarily shift the curve
Figure 4 over to a different cutoff frequency, illustrated by
dotted line, without affecting the relative open loop gain and
phase relationships. To maintain the same gain/phase rela-
tionship at twice the original cutoff frequency, other terms in
the gain and phase Equations (5), (6) will have to compen-
sate by the corresponding “1/w” or “1/w
” factor. Examination
of Equations (3), (4), (5) indicates the damping resistor vari-
able R2 could be chosen to compensate with “w” terms for
the phase margin. This implies that another resistor of equal
value to R2 will need to be switched in parallel with R2 during
the initial lock period. We must also ensure that the magni-
tude of the open loop gain, H(s)G(s) is equal to zero at wp’ =
2 wp. K
, K
, N, or the net product of these terms can be
changed by a factor of 4, to counteract with w
term present
in the denominator of Equations (3), (4) The K
term was
chosen to complete the transformation because it can
readily be switched between 1X and 4X values. This is ac-
complished by increasing the charge pump output current
from 1 mA in the standard mode to 4 mA in Fastlock.
Fastlock Circuit Implementation
A diagram of the Fastlock scheme as implemented in Na-
tional Semiconductors LMX2335/36/37 PLL is shown in Fig-
ure 5 When a new frequency is loaded, and the RF1 I
is set high, the charge pump circuit receives an input to de-
liver 4 times the normal current per unit phase error while an
open drain NMOS on chip device switches in a second R2
resistor element to ground. The user calculates the loop filter
component values for the normal steady state consider-
ations. The device configuration ensures that as long as a
second identical damping resistor is wired in appropriately,
the loop will lock faster without any additional stability con-
siderations to account for. Once locked on the correct fre-
quency, the user can return the PLL to standard low noise
operation by sending a MICROWIRE instruction with the
bit set low. This transition does not affect the
charge on the loop filter capacitors and is enacted synchro-
nous with the charge pump output. This creates a nearly
seamless change between Fastlock and standard mode.
FIGURE 2. PLL Linear Model
FIGURE 3. Passive Loop Filter