Application Info
In this mode of operation, the timer functions as a one-shot
(Figure 1). The external capacitor is initially held discharged
by internal circuitry. Upon application of a negative trigger
pulse of less than 1/3 V
to the Trigger terminal, the flip-flop
is set which both releases the short circuit across the capaci-
tor and drives the output high.
The voltage across the capacitor then increases exponen-
tially for a period of t
= 1.1 R
C, which is also the time that
the output stays high, at the end of which time the voltage
equals 2/3 V
. The comparator then resets the flip-flop which
in turn discharges the capacitor and drives the output to its
low state. Figure 2 shows the waveforms generated in this
mode of operation. Since the charge and the threshold level
of the comparator are both directly proportional to supply
voltage, the timing internal is independent of supply.
Reset overrides Trigger, which can override threshold.
Therefore the trigger pulse must be shorter than the desired
. The minimum pulse width for the Trigger is 20ns, and it is
400ns for the Reset. During the timing cycle when the output
is high, the further application of a trigger pulse will not effect
the circuit so long as the trigger input is returned high at least
10μs before the end of the timing interval. However the cir-
cuit can be reset during this time by the application of a
negative pulse to the reset terminal. The output will then re-
main in the low state until a trigger pulse is again applied.
When the reset function is not use, it is recommended that it
be connected to V
to avoid any possibility of false triggering.
Figure 3is a nomograph for easy determination of RC values
for various time delays.
In monstable operation, the trigger should be driven high before the
end of timing cycle.
If the circuit is connected as shown in Figure 4 (Trigger and
Threshold terminals connected together) it will trigger itself
and free run as a multivibrator. The external capacitor
charges through R
+ R
and discharges through R
. Thus
the duty cycle may be precisely set by the ratio of these two
In this mode of operation, the capacitor charges and dis-
charges between 1/3 V
and 2/3 V
. As in the triggered
mode, the charge and discharge times, and therefore the fre-
quency are independent of the supply voltage.
Figure 5 shows the waveform generated in this mode of
FIGURE 1. Monostable (One-Shot)
= 5V
TIME = 0.1 ms/Div.
= 9.1k
C = 0.01μF
Top Trace: Input 5V/Div.
Middle Trace: Output 5V/Div.
Bottom Trace: Capacitor Voltage 2V/Div.
FIGURE 2. Monostable Waveforms
FIGURE 3. Time Delay
FIGURE 4. Astable (Variable Duty Cycle Oscillator)