Application Information
The Beep In pin (pin 14) is a mono input, for system beeps,
that is mixed into the left and right input. This Beep In pin will
allow an input signal to pass through to the Sum Out and
Line/HP output pins. The minimum potential for the input of
the Beep In signal is 300mV. Beep in signals less than
will not pass through to the output. The beep in
circuitry provides left-right signal isolation to prevent
crosstalk at the summed input. As shown in the Fig. 2, it is
required that a resistor and capacitor is placed in series with
the Beep In pin and the node tied to V
through a 100k
sistor. The recommended value for the input resistor is be-
tween 120k
to 10k
and the input capacitor is between
.22Fμ and .47μF. The input resistor can be changed to vary
the amplitude of the beep in signal. Higher values of the in-
put resistor will reduce the amplifier gain and attenuate the
beep in signal. In cases where system beeps are required
when the system is in a suspended mode, the LM4834 must
be brought out of shutdown before the beep in signal is input.
In order to reduce power consumption while not in use, the
LM4834 contains a shutdown pin to externally turn off the
bias circuitry. The LM4834 will shutdown when a logic high is
placed on the shutdown pin. The trigger point between a
logic low and logic high level is typically half supply. It is best
to switch between ground and the supply V
to provide
maximum device performance. By switching the shutdown
pin to V
, the LM4834 supply current draw will be mini-
mized. While the device will be disabled with shutdown pin
voltages less than V
, the idle current may be greater than
the typical value of 0.6 μA.The shutdown pin should not be
floated, since this may result in an unwanted shutdown con-
In many applications, a microcontroller or microprocessor
output is used to control the shutdown circuitry which pro-
vides a quick, smooth transition into shutdown.Another solu-
tion is to use a single-pole, single-throw switch in conjuction
with an external pull-up resistor. When the switch is
closed,the shutdown pin is connected to ground and enables
the amplifier. If the switch is open, then the external pull-up
resistor will shutdown the LM4834. This scheme prevents
the shutdown pin from floating.
The LM4834 was designed to operate in two modes. In
mode 0 (lineout mode),where the mode pin (pin 17) is given
a logic level low, the attenuation at the Line/HP outputs are
fixed at a gain of 1.4. In mode 1 (headphone mode), where
the mode pin is given a logic level high, the attenuation of the
Line/HP outputs is controlled through the DC voltage at pin
22. The signal levels of the Left and Right Sum Out pins are
always controlled by the DC potential at pin 22 regardless of
the mode of the IC. In mode 0, pin 5 and pin 24 are line out
drivers. In mode 1, pin 5 and pin 24 are headphone drivers.
By placing a logic level high on the mute pin (pin 15), the
Right and Left Sum Out pins will be muted. If the LM4834 is
in the headphone mode, the HP/Line out pins as well as the
Sum Out pins are muted. The mute pin must not be floated.
The LM4834 possesses a headphone sense pin (pin 16) that
mutes the bridged amplifier, when given a logic high, so that
headphone or line out operation can occur while the bridged
connected load will be muted.
Figure 3 shows the implementation of the LM4834’s head-
phone control function using a single-supply.The voltage di-
vider of R1, R2, R4, and R5 sets the voltage at the HP sense
pin (pin 16) to be approximately 50 mV when there are no
headphones plugged into the system. This logic-low voltage
at the HP sense pin enables bridged power amplifier. Resis-
tor R4 limits the amount of current flowing out of the HP
sense pin when the voltage at that pin goes below ground re-
sulting from the music coming from the headphone amplifier.
Resistor R1, R4, and R5 form a resistor divider that prevents
false triggering of the HP sense pin when the voltage at the
output swings near the rail, since V
is about 2.5V.
When a set of headphones are plugged into the system, the
contact pin of the headphone jack is disconnected from the
signal pin, interrupting the voltage divider set up by resistors
R1, R2, R4, and R5. Resistor R1 then pulls up the HP sense
pin, enabling the headphone function and disabling the
bridged amplifier. The headphone amplifier then drives the
headphones, whoseimpedance is in parallel with resistor R2
and R3. Also shown in Figure 3 are the electrical connec-
tions for the headphone jack and plug.A3-wire plug consists
of a Tip, Ring and Sleeve, where the Tip and Ring are signal
carrying conductors and the Sleeve is the common ground
return. One control pin contact for each headphone jack is
sufficient to indicate that the user has inserted a plug into a
jack and that another mode of operation is desired.
The LM4834 can be used to drive both a bridged 8
speaker and a pair of 32
speakers without using the HP
sense pin. In this case the HP sense is controlled by a micro-
processor or a switch.
The DC voltage at the DC Volume Control pin (pin 22) deter-
mines the attenuation of the Sum Out and Line/HP amplifi-
ers. If the DC potential of pin 22 is at 4V the internal ampli-
fiers are set at a gain of 1.4 (2.9dB). The attenuation of the
amplifiers increase until 0V is reached. The attenuator range
FIGURE 3. Headphone Input Circuit