MOSFET Selection
input voltage and load current. The equation for the maxi-
mum allowable on resistance at room temperature for a
given FET package, is:
where T
is the maximum allowed junction temperature
in the FET, T
is the maximum ambient temperature,
is the junction-to-ambient thermal resistance of the
FET, and T
is the temperature coefficient of the on resis-
tance which is typically in the range of 10,000ppm/C.
If the calculated R
is smaller than the lowest value
available, multiple FETs can be used in parallel. This effec-
tively reduces the I
term in the above equation, thus
reducing R
. When using two FETs in parallel, multiply the
calculated R
by 4 to obtain the R
for each
FET. In the case of three FETs, multiply by 9.
: T
= 100C, T
= 60C, R
= 60C/W,
= 36V, V
= 5V, and I
= 5A
If the selected FET has an R
value higher than 17.7
then two FETs with an R
less than 30m
can be used in
parallel. In this case, the temperature rise on each FET will
not go to T
because each FET is now dissipating only
half of the total power.
The output resistance for the top FET driver is 3.1
mum). The bias voltage is developed by an external boot-
strap supply circuit, which is comprised of a diode and a
capacitor. Before selecting the top FET, it is recommended to
select the driving voltage for the bootstrap circuit first (see
more in the
Bootstrap Component Selection
If VLIN5 is chosen to drive the bootstrap circuit, care must be
taken to ensure that the gate threshold voltage of the top
FET is less than 3V (maximum). The top FET starts to turn
on when the input voltage exceeds the threshold voltage of
the UVLO, which has a minimum threshold of 3.8V. In this
case, VLIN5 follows at approximately 3.8V also and thus the
bias voltage to the top FET driver is about 3V after the
bootstrap diode.
The top FET has two types of losses: switching loss and
conduction loss. The switching losses mainly consist of
crossover loss and bottom diode reverse recovery loss.
Since it is rather difficult to estimate the switching loss, a
general starting point is to allot 60% of the top FET thermal
capacity to switching losses. The best way to precisely de-
termine switching losses is through bench testing. The equa-
tion for calculating the on resistance of the top FET is thus:
Example: T
= 100C, T
= 60C, R
= 60C/W,
= 5.5V, V
= 5V, and I
= 5A.
When using FETs in parallel, the same guidelines apply to
the top FET as apply to the bottom FET.
Selection of the bootstrap components can be done after top
FET and driving voltage are chosen. V
or another supply
such as input may be used as the driving voltage. Once
chosen, the bootstrap components can be selected .
Typically a 0.1μF ceramic (X5R, X7R) works well.
Any suitably sized Schottky diode works well for the boot-
strap Diode. If excessive leakage current is seen, the a
larger bootstrap capacitance may be needed .
Loop Compensation
The purpose of loop compensation is to meet static and
dynamic performance requirements while maintaining stabil-
ity. Loop gain is usually checked to determine small-signal
performance. Loop gain is equal to the product of the
control-output transfer function and the output-control trans-
fer function (the compensation network transfer function).
Generally speaking, it is a good idea to have a loop gain
slope that is -20dB/decade from a very low frequency to well
beyond the crossover frequency. The crossover frequency
should not exceed one-fifth of the switching frequency. The
higher the bandwidth, the faster the load transient response
speed unless duty cycle saturates during a load transient.
Since the control-output transfer function usually has very
limited low frequency gain, it is a good idea to place a pole in
the compensation at zero frequency, so that the low fre-
quency gain is relatively large. A large DC gain means high
DC regulation accuracy (i.e. DC voltage changes little with
load or line variations). The rest of the compensation
scheme depends highly on the shape of the control-output
plot. As shown in Figure 6, the control-output transfer func-
tion consists of one pole (f
), one zero (f
), and a double pole
at f
(half the switching frequency). The following can be
done to create a -20dB/decade roll-off of the loop gain: Place
the first pole at 0Hz, the first zero at f
, the second pole at f
and the second zero at f
. The resulting output-control trans-
fer function is shown in Figure 7.