Sample Applications of Operating Modes
Recording incoming messages.
Memo recording from a remote location (remote control).
Simultaneously recording conversations.
Recording incoming messages.
Recording messages using the microphone input (Recording short messages to your family, etc.).
The alarm sound is output on the speaker and is recorded as an incoming message. At the same time, it is output on the line
to the calling party.
Indicates that the incoming message is being recorded.
The line output tone is 6 dB lower than the output level in other modes.
Playing back incoming messages locally.
Playing back incomming messages from a remote location.
Transferring incoming messages.
Playing back dictaphone recordings.
Playing back incoming messages.
Playing back dictaphone messages.
Recording outgoing messages. Messages can be transferred under microcomputer control to integrated memory devices.
Re-recording outgoing messages from a remote location.
Playing back outgoing messages locally.
Playing back outgoing messages from a remote location.
Playing back and confirming outgoing messages.
Monitoring microphone input from a remote location.
Output messages through the loudspeaker from a remote location.
Sending output messages, and at the same time monitoring the caller’s voice through the loudspeaker.
Simultaneously recording incoming messages and playing back the outgoing message.
ICM REC (In coming message recording)
2WAY REC (Two-way recording)
DICT REC (Dictaphone)
2WAY BEEP (Two-way beep)
ICM OUT (Incoming message output)
ICM PLAY (Incoming message playback)
OGM REC (Outgoing message recording)
OGM CHANGE (Remote outgoing message recording)
OGM OUT (Outgoing message output)
10) OGM PLAY (Outgoing message playback)
11) ROOM MONI (Remote microphone monitoring)
12) ROOM OUT (Remote speaker output)
13) VOICE SELE (Voice monitoring)
14) Conversation REC (Conversation recording)
IC Usage Notes
Printed Circuit Board
When designing a printed circuit board, the GND line connected to pin 4 should be thick and short. Common impedance may
lead to additional distortion.
Power Amplifier
Polyester film capacitors should be used as the oscillation prevention capacitor betweeen output pin 17 and GND, as they
have better temperature and frequency characteristics than electrolytic capacitors. Alminium electrolytic capacitors and
ceramic capacitors may cause oscillation at low temperatures.
Switching Noise
Switching noise can be eliminated by applying a LOW-level pulse greater than 10 ms to PWR ON/OFF pin 28 while the
preamplifier is being switched.
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