Theory of LA2113 Noise Canceller
In order to simplify the operation theory, the composite signal component is given only as a low frequency signal and a
pilot signal, and the pilot cancel signal has the same phase, same amplitude as the pilot signal in the composite signal.
Since the output voltage is the differential voltage of the plus and minus input of the subtraction circuit, it is equal to the
voltage between the memory capacitor terminals. When the gate is closed, the composite signal is applied to the plus
input terminal of the subtraction circuit, and the pilot cancel signal is applied to the minus input terminal. Thus the pilot
signal is cancelled from the output and only the low frequency signal appears. In the same way, the voltage between the
memory capacitor terminals is the differential voltage of the composite signal and the pilot cancel signal, so only the
low frequency signal appears.
When pulse noise is generated and the gate opens, the plus input and minus input signal waveforms of the subtraction
circuit become equal. This is because the input impedance of the subtraction circuit is extremely high, so the memory
capacitor is considered AC-shorted. Thus, when pulse noise is generated in the composite sig-is the voltage held by the
memory capacitor. This voltage is that between traction circuit. As a result, pulse noise does not appear in the output.
The voltage in the output has a DC level difference of plus and minus input, and that is the voltage maintained by the
memory capacitor. This voltage is that between the memory capacitor terminals just before the gate opens, so it is the
low frequency signal voltage just before the gate opens. Because the subtraction circuit input impedance is high, no
charge/discharge current flows in the memory capacitor while the gate is open, so the memory capacitor can hold the
voltage between its terminals.
The voltage waveforms are illustrated below.
Note : The pilot cancel signal is given as sinusoidal in this explanation, but in the actual application circuit, pilot
cancel is performed by a triangular wave.
Memory capacitor
Composite signal output
Pilot canceller
signal input
Composite signal
Pilot cancel signal
Subtraction circuit
minus input
Output, and voltage
between memory
capacitor terminals
Gate control pulse