Lucent Technologies Inc.
Data Sheet
August 1999
People’s Republic of China Applications
L8567 SLIC for
Coding Information
Table 3 gives the output coding.
Table 3. Supervision Coding
* Data outputs NSTAT and NTSD are gated. In order to drive the NSTAT or NTSD outputs low, both the internal detector (i.e., an off-hook or
thermal shutdown condition, respectively, exists) and pin EN must be low.
This output is not latched; data is valid regardless of the state of EN. It can be used to drive an LED or as an alternative unlatched ring
trip/off-hook detector.
Off-Hook or Ring Trip.
dc current greater than the typical 11 mA loop current threshold is flowing
in the subscriber loop, or the ring trip comparator has detected a dc voltage greater than the ring
trip threshold. This indicates that dc current is flowing in the loop with the ring relay set in the
power ring state. The presence of dc current in the power ring state implies that the handset is
off-hook, or that a ring trip condition exists. This is a latched output. EN must be low for data on
this output to be valid.
On-Hook or Not Ring Trip.
dc current less than the difference of the off-hook current threshold
and loop current hysteresis is flowing, or the loop is in the power ringing state and the handset is
on-hook—no dc current has been detected. This is a latched output. EN must be low for data on
this output to be valid.
The SLIC die temperature has exceeded the thermal shutdown temperature threshold, and the
SLIC is forced into the equivalent of the disconnect state, regardless of the state of the B0 and B1
logic inputs. There is a hysteresis in the shutdown circuit, and the device will remain in thermal
shutdown until the die temperature drops below the hysteresis threshold. This is a latched output.
EN must be low for data on this output to be valid.
The SLIC die temperature has not exceeded the thermal shutdown temperature threshold, and
the SLIC state is set per B0 and B1 logic. This is a latched output. EN must be low for data on this
output to be valid.
Identical to the off-hook or ring trip state of output NSTAT. In this state, NLED can supply 10 mA
at 1.0 V, which is sufficient to drive an LED. This output is an open collector output, so multiple
NLED outputs from different devices can be used to drive a common LED. This output is not
latched, so it has valid data regardless of the state of EN. NLED can be used as an alternative to
the latched NSTAT output.
Identical to the on-hook or not ring trip state of the pin NSTAT.