512Kx36 & 1Mx18 QDR
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Rev 1.0
July 2002
Write cycles are initiated by activating W at the rising edge of the positive input clock K.
Address is presented and stored in the write address register synchronized with following K clock.
For 2-bit burst DDR operation, it will write two 36-bit or 18-bit data words with each write command.
The first "early" data is transfered and registered in to the device synchronous with same K clock rising edge with W presented.
Next burst data is transfered and registered synchronous with following K clock rising edge.
Continuous write operations are initiated with K rising edge.
And "early writed" data is presented to the device on every rising edge of both K and K clocks.
When the W is disabled, the K7Q163652A and K7Q161852A will enter into deselect mode.
The device disregards input data presented on the same cycle W disabled.
The K7Q163652A and K7Q161852A support byte write operations.
With activating BW
or BW
( BW
or BW
3 )
in write cycle, only one byte of input data is presented.
In K7Q161852A, BW
controls write operation to D0:D8, BW
controls write operation to D9:D17.
And in K7Q163652A BW
controls write operation to D18:D26, BW
controls write operation to D27:D35.
Write Operations
Programmable Impedance Output Buffer Operation
Single Clock Mode
Depth Expansion
The designer can program the SRAM's output buffer impedance by terminating the ZQ pin to V
through a precision resistor(RQ).
The value of RQ (within 15%) is five times the output impedance desired.
For example, 250
resistor will give an output impedance of 50
Impedance updates occur early in cycles that do not activate the outputs, such as deselect cycles.
In all cases impedance updates are transparent to the user and do not produce access time "push-outs"
or other anomalous behavior in the SRAM.
There are no power up requirements for the SRAM. However, to guarantee optimum output driver impedance after power up,
the SRAM needs 1024 non-read cycles.
The K7Q163652A and K7Q161852A can be used with the single clock pair K and K.
In this mode, C and C must be tied high during power up and this single clock pair control both the input and output registers.
C and C cannot be tied high during operation.
System flight time and clock skew could not be compensated in single clock mode.
Separate input and output ports enables easy depth expansion.
Each port can be selected and deselected independently
and read and write operation do not affect each other.
Before chip deselected, all read and write pending operations are completed.