September 19, 2007
Application Information
RS-485 and RS-422 are differential (balanced) data
transmission standards for use in long haul or noisy
environments. RS-422 is a subset of RS-485, so RS-485
transmitters and receivers are also RS-422 compliant.
RS-422 is a point-to-multipoint (multidrop) standard, which
allows only one driver and up to 10 (assuming one unit load
devices) receivers on each bus. RS-485 is a true multipoint
standard, which allows up to 32 one unit load devices (any
combination of drivers and receivers) on each bus. To allow
for multipoint operation, the RS-485 specification requires
that drivers must handle bus contention without sustaining
any damage.
Another important advantage of RS-485 is the extended
common mode range (CMR), which specifies that the driver
outputs and receiver inputs withstand signals that range from
+12V to -7V. RS-422 and RS-485 are intended for runs as
long as 4000’, so the wide CMR is necessary to handle
ground potential differences, as well as voltages induced in
the cable by external fields.
Driver Features
These RS-485/RS-422 drivers are differential output devices
that delivers at least 1.5V across a 54
Ω load (RS-485), and
at least 2V across a 100
Ω load (RS-422). The drivers feature
low propagation delay skew to maximize bit width, and to
minimize EMI.
All drivers are tri-statable via the active high DE input. If the
Tx enable function isn’t needed, tie DE to VCC (or VL)
through a 1k
Ω to 3kΩ resistor.
The 250kbps and 500kbps driver outputs are slew rate
limited to minimize EMI, and to reduce reflections in
unterminated or improperly terminated networks. Outputs of
the ISL3295E and ISL3298E drivers are not limited, so faster
output transition times allow data rates of at least 20Mbps.
Wide Supply Range
The ISL3293E through ISL3298E are optimized for 3.3V
operation, but can be operated with supply voltages as high
as 5.5V. These devices meet the RS-422 and RS-485
specifications for supply voltages less than 4V, and are
RS-422 and RS-485 compatible for supplies greater than
4V. Operation at +125°C requires VCC ≤ 3.6V, while 5V
operation requires adding output current limiting resistors
page 11) if output short circuits (e.g., from bus contention)
are a possibility.
5.5V Tolerant Logic Pins
Logic input pins (DI, DE) contain no ESD nor parasitic
diodes to VCC (nor to VL), so they withstand input voltages
exceeding 5.5V regardless of the VCC and VL voltages.
Logic Supply (VL Pin, ISL3296E through ISL3298E)
Note: Power-up VCC before powering up the VL supply.
The ISL3296E through ISL3298E include a VL pin that
powers the logic inputs (DI and DE). These pins interface
with “l(fā)ogic” devices such as UARTs, ASICs, and controllers,
and today most of these devices use power supplies
significantly lower than 3.3V. Thus, the logic device’s low
VOH might not exceed the VIH of a 3.3V or 5V powered DI or
DE input. Connecting the VL pin to the power supply of the
logic device (as shown in Figure
5) reduces the DI and DE
input switching points to values compatible with the logic
device’s output levels. Tailoring the logic pin input switching
points and output levels to the supply voltage of the UART,
ASIC, or controller eliminates the need for a level
shifter/translator between the two ICs.
VL can be anywhere from VCC down to 1.35V, but the input
switching points may not provide enough noise margin, and
20Mbps data rates may not be achievable, when VL <1.5V.
Table 2 indicates typical VIH and VIL values for various VL settings so the user can ascertain whether or not a particular
VL voltage meets his needs.
VCC = +2V
VCC = +3.3V
VOH ≤ 2V
VIH ≥ 2V
VCC = +2V
VCC = +3.3V
VOH ≤ 2V
VIH = 1.4V
VOH ≤ 2V
VIH ≥ 2V
VOH ≤ 2V
ISL3293E, ISL3294E, ISL3295E, ISL3296E, ISL3297E, ISL3298E