December 16, 2010
In battery mode, the RESET signal output is asserted LOW
when the VDD voltage supply has dipped below the VRESET
threshold, but the RESET signal output will not return HIGH
until the device is back to VDD mode even the VDD voltage is
above VRESET threshold.
Device Operation
Writing to the Clock/Control Registers
Changing any of the bits of the clock/control registers
requires the following steps:
1. Write a 02h to the Status Register to set the Write Enable
Latch (WEL). This is a volatile operation, so there is no
delay after the write. (Operation preceded by a start and
ended with a stop).
2. Write a 06h to the Status Register to set both the Register
Write Enable Latch (RWEL) and the WEL bit. This is also
a volatile cycle. The zeros in the data byte are required.
(Operation proceeded by a start and ended with a stop).
Write all eight bytes to the RTC registers, or one byte to the
SR, or one to five bytes to the control registers. This
sequence starts with a start bit, requires a slave byte of
“11011110” and an address within the CCR and is terminated
by a stop bit. A write to the EEPROM registers in the CCR
will initiate a non-volatile write cycle and will take up to 20ms
to complete. A write to the RTC registers (SRAM) will require
much shorter cycle time (t = tBUF). Writes to undefined areas
have no effect. The RWEL bit is reset by the completion of a
write to the CCR, so the sequence must be repeated to
again initiate another change to the CCR contents. If the
sequence is not completed for any reason (by sending an
incorrect number of bits or sending a start instead of a stop,
for example) the RWEL bit is not reset and the device
remains in an active mode. Writing all zeros to the status
register resets both the WEL and RWEL bits. A read
operation occurring between any of the previous operations
will not interrupt the register write operation.
Alarm Operation
Since the alarm works as a comparison between the alarm
registers and the RTC registers, it is ideal for notifying a host
processor of a particular time event and trigger some action
as a result. The host can be notified by either a hardware
interrupt (the IRQ/FOUT pin) or by polling the Status Register
(SR) Alarm bits. These two volatile bits (AL1 for Alarm 1 and
AL0 for Alarm 0), indicate if an alarm has happened. The bits
are set on an alarm condition regardless of whether the IRQ/
FOUT interrupt is enabled. The AL1 and AL0 bits in the status
register are reset by the falling edge of the eighth clock of
status register read.
There are two alarm operation modes: Single Event and
periodic Interrupt Mode:
1. Single Event Mode is enabled by setting the AL0E or
AL1E bit to “1”, the IM bit to “0”, and disabling the
frequency output. This mode permits a one-time match
between the alarm registers and the RTC registers. Once
this match occurs, the AL0 or AL1 bit is set to “1” and the
IRQ/FOUT output will be pulled low and will remain low
until the AL0 or AL1 bit is read, which will automatically
resets it. Both Alarm registers can be set at the same time
to trigger alarms. The IRQ/FOUT output will be set by
either alarm, and will need to be cleared to enable
triggering by a subsequent alarm. Polling the SR will
reveal which alarm has been set.
2. Interrupt Mode (or “Pulsed Interrupt Mode” or PIM) is
enabled by setting the AL0E or AL1E bit to “1” the IM bit
to “1”, and disabling the frequency output. If both AL0E
and AL1E bits are set to "1", then both AL0E and AL1E
PIM alarms will function. The IRQ/FOUT output will now
be pulsed each time each of the alarms occurs. This
means that once the interrupt mode alarm is set, it will
continue to alarm for each occurring match of the alarm
and present time. This mode is convenient for hourly or
daily hardware interrupts in microcontroller applications
such as security cameras or utility meter reading.
Interrupt Mode CANNOT be used for general periodic
alarms, however, since a specific time period cannot be
programmed for interrupt, only matches to a specific time
of day. The interrupt mode is only stopped by disabling
the IM bit or the Alarm Enable bits.
Writing to the Alarm Registers
The Alarm Registers are non-volatile but require special
attention to insure a proper non-volatile write takes place.
Specifically, byte writes to individual registers are good for all
but registers 0006h and 0000Eh, which are the DWA0 and
DWA1 registers, respectively. Those registers will require a
special page write for non-volatile storage. The
recommended page write sequences are as follows:
1. 16-byte page writes: The best way to write or update the
Alarm Registers is to perform a 16-byte write beginning at
address 0001h (MNA0) and wrapping around and ending
at address 0000h (SCA0). This will insure that
non-volatile storage takes place. This means that the
code must be designed so that the Alarm0 data is written
starting with Minutes register, and then all the Alarm1
data, with the last byte being the Alarm0 Seconds (the
page ends at the Alarm1 Y2k register and then wraps
around to address 0000h).
Alternatively, the 16-byte page write could start with
address 0009h, wrap around and finish with address
0008h. Note that any page write ending at address
0007h or 000Fh (the highest byte in each Alarm) will not
trigger a non-volatile write, so wrapping around or
ISL12029, ISL12029A