Figure 13. Basic Amplifier
900 MHz Matched Example
This section describes a
demonstration circuit for
900MHz that is based on the
matched output configuration
shown in Figure 11.
The output VSWR of the INA-
30311 is approximately 2.6:1 at
900 MHz and results in a 0.9 dB
mismatch loss when used in a
system. The use of a simple
impedance matching circuit at the
output will increase both gain and
output power by 0.9 dB. The
noise figure of the amplifier
remains the same and does not
depend on whether or not the
output is matched.
There are many circuit topologies
that may be used to match the
output impedance of the
INA-30311 to a 50
load. The
example presented in Figure 15 is
designed to match the amplifier’s
output for frequencies near
This circuit is representative for
applications in the 800 MHz
cellular or 900 MHz unregulated
frequency bands. This example
uses a series capacitor to resonate
with a shunt, high impedance
transmission line. The transmis-
sion line is tapped at a 50
for the output. This circuit
provides the desired impedance
transformation with a minimum
of components, using only one
chip capacitor that also doubles
as the output DC block.
used to the amplifier to the V
supply, additional bypass
capacitors may be needed to
prevent resonances that would
otherwise result in undesirable
gain responses. A well-bypassed
line is also desirable to
prevent possible oscillations that
may occur due to feedback
through the bias line from other
stages in a cascade.
Adequate grounding is needed to
obtain maximum performance.
The ground pin of the INA-30311
should be connected to directly
to RF ground by using plated
through holes (vias) near the
package terminals.
FR-4 or G-10 PCB material is a
good choice for most low cost
wireless applications. Typical
board thickness is 0.025 or
0.031inches. The width of 50
microstriplines in these PCB
thicknesses is also convenient for
mounting chip components such
as the series DC blocking
The demonstration circuit in Figure
14 shows the INA-30311 used
without output impedance
matching and is an example of the
cascade depicted in Figure 12. This
layout illustrates the simplest
implementation of the INA-30311
by using 50
with DC blocking capacitors for
both the input and output. The
supply connection is RF
bypassed very close to the lead of
the RFIC. Provision is also made
for an additional bypass capacitor
on the V
line near the edge of
the PCB.
Operating Details
The basic application of the INA-
30311 is shown in Figure 13. DC
blocking capacitors should be
placed in series with the RF Input
and RF Output to isolate adjoin-
ing circuits from the internal bias
voltages that are present at these
terminals. The values of the
blocking capacitors are deter-
mined by the lowest frequency of
operation for a particular applica-
tion. The capacitor’s reactances
are chosen to be 5% or less of the
amplifier’s input or output imped-
ance at the lowest operating
frequency. For example, an ampli-
fier to be used in an application
covering the 902 to 928 MHz band
would require an input blocking
capacitor of at least 70 pF, which
is 2.5
of reactance, or 5% of
at 902 MHz.
The V
connection to the amplifier
must be RF bypassed by placing a
capacitor to ground directly at
the bias pin of the package. Like
the DC blocking capacitors, the
value of the V
bypass capacitor
is determined by the lowest
operating frequency for the ampli-
fier. This value is typically the
same as that of the DC blocking
capacitors. If long bias lines are