Spread Spectrum Clock Generator
Approved Product
Rev. 1.3
MILPITAS, CA 95035 408-263-6300, FAX 408-263-6571
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Generates Spread Spectrum Clock (SSC)
Programmable Frequencies from 10 to 120 MHz
1.00% and 3.00% Down-Spread Options
Separate Non-Modulated Clock
Pin-Programmable Spread on/off Function
50% Output Clock Duty Cycle
Power-Down Mode for Low Power Dissipation
TTL or CMOS Compatible Outputs
Low Cycle-to-Cycle Jitter of 250 ps-max
External Clock or Crystal Oscillator Operation
Glitch-Free Switching
3 to 5V Operation Supply Range
16-Pin Plastic SOIC Package
CPU and
C Based Digital Systems
Laser and Inkjet Printers
Digital Copiers
Multifunction Products (MFPs)
Disk Drives
Video and Imaging Applications
12 to 20dB EMI Reduction
Fast Time to Market
Low System and Development Cost
General Description
IMI SG521/22/24/28 products are Spread Spectrum Clock Generators designed to reduce the high levels of
Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) found in high-speed digital systems.
By using a modulated clock as the source for all system clocks and timing signals, the amount of radiated energy
(EMI) throughout the system is greatly reduced. Energy reduction is related to the harmonic frequency, such that
the higher the frequency the greater the energy reduction. The 5
th harmonic has greater energy reduction than the
fundamental frequency.
The SG521/2/4/8 products produce a wide range of clock frequencies from 10 to 120 MHz, which are frequency
modulated (PRCLK) by using a Spread Spectrum Clock (SSC) technique to reduce electromagnetic interference
(EMI). In addition, a non-modulated clock output (MPCLK) with various standard clock frequencies is also provided
for the part of the system that could be sensitive to a modulated clock. Refer to the Product Selection and
Frequency Selection Truth Tables for the available modulated and non-modulated clock frequencies.
The spread function can be turned on or off using the SSON control line. When spread is enabled, the modulated
output clock is down-spread at either 1.00% or 3.00% total spread.
These products are designed to be used with fixed frequency external clocks or crystal oscillators. The output clock
frequencies are designed using a 14.318, 44.24 or 48 MHz reference clock.
The products operate from a 3 to 5 volt power supply and 0 to 70
°C temperature range. The SG521/2/4/8 parts are
available in 16-pin plastic SOIC packages and in die form.
Contact IMI for other packaging and Spread Spectrum Clock Generator (SSCG) products.