22.5 Processor Clock Controller
The PMC features a Processor Clock Controller (PCK) that implements the Processor Idle Mode. The Processor Clock
can be disabled by writing the System Clock Disable Register (PMC_SCDR). The status of this clock (at least for debug
purpose) can be read in the System Clock Status Register (PMC_SCSR).
The Processor Clock PCK is enabled after a reset and is automatically re-enabled by any enabled interrupt. The
Processor Idle Mode is achieved by disabling the Processor Clock and entering Wait for Interrupt Mode. The Processor
Clock is automatically re-enabled by any enabled fast or normal interrupt, or by reset of the product.
Note: The ARM Wait for Interrupt mode is entered by means of CP15 coprocessor operation. Refer to the Atmel
application note, Optimizing Power Consumption for AT91SAM9261-based Systems, lit. number 6217.
When the Processor Clock is disabled, the current instruction is finished before the clock is stopped, but this does not
prevent data transfers from other masters of the system bus.
22.6 USB Device and Host Clocks
The USB Device and Host High Speed ports clocks are controlled by the UDPHS and UHPHS bits in PMC_PCER. To
save power on this peripheral when they are is not used, the user can set these bits in PMC_PCDR. The UDPHS and
UHPHS bits in PMC_PCR give the activity of these clocks.
The PMC also provides the clocks UHP48M and UHP12M to the USB Host OHCI. The USB Host OHCI clocks are
controlled by the UHP bit in PMC_SCER. To save power on this peripheral when it is not used, the user can set the UHP
bit in PMC_SCDR. The UHP bit in PMC_SCSR gives the activity of this clock. The USB host OHCI requires both the
12/48 MHz signal and the Master Clock. USBDIV field in PMC_USB register is to be programmed to 9 (division by 10) for
normal operations.
To save more power consumption the user can stop UTMI PLL, in this case USB high-speed operations are not possible.
Nevertheless, as the USB OHCI Input clock can be selected with USBS bit (PLLA or UTMI PLL) in PMC_USB register,
OHCI full-speed operation remain possible.
The user must program the USB OHCI Input Clock and the USBDIV divider in PMC_USB register to generate a 48 MHz
and a 12 MHz signal with an accuracy of ± 0.25%.
22.7 LP-DDR/DDR2 Clock
The Power Management Controller controls the clocks of the DDR memory.
The DDR clock can be enabled and disabled with DDRCK bit respectively in PMC_SCER and PMC_SDER registers. At
reset DDR clock is disabled to save power consumption.
In the case MDIV = ‘00’, (PCK = MCK) and DDRCK clock is not available.
If Input clock is PLLACK/PLLADIV2 the DDR Controller can drive DDR2 and LP-DDR at up to 133 MHz with MDIV = ‘11’.
To save PLLA power consumption, the user can choose UPLLCK an Input clock for the system. In this case the DDR
Controller can drive LD-DDR at up to 120 MHz.
22.8 Software Modem Clock
The Power Management Controller controls the clocks of the Software Modem.
SMDCK is a division of UPLL or PLLA.
22.9 Peripheral Clock Controller
The Power Management Controller controls the clocks of each embedded peripheral by means of the Peripheral Clock
Controller. The user can individually enable and disable the clock on the peripherals and select a division factor from
MCK. This is done through the Peripheral Control Register (PMC_PCR).
In order to save power consumption, the division factor can be 1, 2, 4 or 8. PMC_PCR is a register that features a
command and acts like a mailbox. To write the division factor on a particular peripheral, the user needs to write a WRITE