M/A-COM Division of AMP Incorporated
North America: Tel. (800) 366-2266, Fax (800) 618-8883
Asia/Pacific: Tel. +85 2 2111 8088, Fax +85 2 2111 8087
Europe: Tel. +44 (1344) 869 595, Fax +44 (1344) 300 020
AMP and Connecting at a Higher Level are trademarks.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
silver. The life is also improved as a direct result of the
excellent corrosion resistance properties of White Bronze;
thereby minimizing metal/metal oxide junctions.
Highly Corrosion Resistant
Even under continuous exposure to harsh
environments White Bronze retains its aesthetic
appearance. Unlike silver it does not discolor when
exposed to sulphur, potassium sulphides etc., neither is
there any build up in oxide layers as is the case with
nickel. Furthermore White Bronze parts have
successfully passed all international salt spray tests (MIL,
In conditions of continuously high temperatures
(>100°C) and/or excessive humidity (>100%) there is
no build up of foreign layers which may affect contact
Low Porosity & No Reaction With
Contact Surfaces
Less than 2μm of White Bronze is needed to
create a completely nonporous, corrosion resistant
surface. M/A-COM applies White Bronze to a thickness
of between 2μm and 3μm. This compares favorably with
the typical plating thickness of nickel (>10μm) and
consequently, variations in plating depth are
significantly less.
White Bronze does not alloy with brass and since its
coefficient of expansion is virtually identical to that of
brass, rapid temperature shocks (-50°C/200°C) do not
cause blistering or cracking of the plating.
The electrolytic potential of White Bronze is
approximately that of brass. Consequently any White
Bronze plated connectors in contact with stainless steel,
silver, nickel or nickel containing finishes carry no risk of
corrosion as a result of any chemical potential difference.
Low RF Losses
The relative permeability (μr) of M/A-COM’s White
Bronze is 1 giving rise to low RF losses even at high
frequencies. As a direct result of the good conductivity of
the finish, skin depth is minimized further reducing
insertion loss and ensuring a better impedance match
across the frequency range of the connectors.
Non Magnetic Finish
M/A-COM’s White Bronze contains no ferrous
materials and so has no magnetic properties. This is
particularly desirable in many RF applications.
Low Coefficient of Friction
The coefficient of friction is approximately 70% that
of silver to give lower insertion forces and smoother
coupling. These properties combine to produce a harder
wearing, longer lasting finish which prolongs connector
life and reduces the ongoing cost of ownership.
White Bronze is available on all products, including 7/16, N, TNC,
OSP and SMA’s.
Wear & Scratch Resistant
The hardness of M/A-COM’s White Bronze at
300-380HV is more than double that of silver and
marginally harder than platings containing nickel. This
gives a scratch resistance which is rarely surpassed and
makes it ideal for high mating applications.