ICL7135C, TLC7135C
description of analog circuits
input signal range
The common mode range of the input amplifier extends from 1 V above the negative supply to 1 V below the
positive supply. Within this range, the common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) is typically 86 dB. Both differential
and common-mode voltages cause the integrator output to swing. Therefore, care must be exercised to ensure
that the integrator output does not become saturated.
analog common
Analog common (ANLG COMMON) is connected to the internal IN– during the auto-zero, deintegrate, and zero
integrator phases. When IN– is connected to a voltage that is different from analog common during the signal
integrate phase, the resulting common-mode voltage is rejected by the amplifier. However, in most applications,
IN– is set at a known fixed voltage (i.e., power supply common for instance). In this application, analog common
should be tied to the same point, thus removing the common-mode voltage from the converter. Removing the
common-mode voltage in this manner slightly increases conversion accuracy.
The reference voltage is positive with respect to analog common. The accuracy of the conversion result is
dependent upon the quality of the reference. Therefore, to obtain a high accuracy conversion, a high quality
reference should be used.
description of digital circuits
RUN/HOLD input
When RUN/HOLD is high or open, the device continuously performs measurement cycles every 40,002 clock
pulses. When this input is taken low, the integrated circuit continues to perform the ongoing measurement cycle
and then hold the conversion reading for as long as the terminal is held low. When the terminal is held low after
completion of a measurement cycle, a short positive pulse (greater than 300 ns) initiates a new measurement
cycle. When this positive pulse occurs before the completion of a measurement cycle, it will not be recognized.
The first STROBE pulse, which occurs 101 counts after the end of a measurement cycle, is an indication of the
completion of a measurement cycle. Thus, the positive pulse could be used to trigger the start of a new
measurement after the first STROBE pulse.
STROBE input
Negative going pulses from this input transfer the BCD conversion data to external latches, UARTs, or
microprocessors. At the end of the measurement cycle, STROBE goes high and remains high for 201 counts.
The most significant digit (MSD) BCD bits are placed on the BCD terminals. After the first 101 counts, halfway
through the duration of output D1–D5 going high, the STROBE terminal goes low for 1/2 clock pulse width. The
placement of the STROBE pulse at the midpoint of the D5 high pulse allows the information to be latched into
an external device on either a low-level or an edge. Such placement of the STROBE pulse also ensures that
the BCD bits for the second MSD are not yet competing for the BCD lines and latching of the correct bits is
ensured. The above process is repeated for the second MSD and the D4 output. Similarly, the process is
repeated through the least significant digit (LSD). Subsequently, inputs D5 through D1 and the BCD lines
continue scanning without the inclusion of STROBE pulses. This subsequent continuous scanning causes the
conversion results to be continuously displayed. Such subsequent scanning does not occur when an over-range
condition occurs.