Rev. 1.50
November 19, 2004
Program Memory
The program memory is used to store the program in-
structions which are to be executed. It also contains
data, table, and interrupt entries, and is organized into
2048 14bits,addressedbytheprogramcounterandta-
ble pointer.
Certain locations in the program memory are reserved
for special usage:
Location 000H
This area is reserved for program initialization. After a
chip reset, the program always begins execution at lo-
cation 000H.
Location 004H
This area is reserved for the USB interrupt service
program. If the USB interrupt is activated, the interrupt
is enabledand the stack is not full, the program begins
execution at location 004H.
Location 00CH
This location is reserved for the Timer/Event Counter
interrupt service program. If a timer interrupt results
from a Timer/Event Counter overflow, and the inter-
rupt is enabled and the stack is not full, the program
begins execution at location 00CH.
Table location
Any location in the program memory can be used as
look-up tables. There are three method to read the
ROM data by two table read instructions: TABRDC
lower-order byte to the specified data memory, and
the higher-order byte to TBLH (08H).
The three methods are shown as follows:
TABRDL , transfer the contents of the
The instructions TABRDC [m] (the current page,
one page=256words), where the table locations is
defined by TBLP (07H) in the current page. And the
ROM code option TBHP is disabled (default).
The instructions TABRDC [m] , where the table lo-
cations is defined by registers TBLP (07H) and
TBHP (01FH). And the ROM code option TBHP is
The instructions TABRDL [m] , where the table lo-
cations is defined by Registers TBLP (07H) in the
last page (0700H~07FFH).
Only the destination of the lower-order byte in the ta-
ble is well-defined, the other bits of the table word are
transferred to the lower portion of TBLH, and the re-
maining 1-bit words are read as
Higher-order byte register (TBLH) is read only. The ta-
1FH), which indicates the table location. Before ac-
cessing the table, the location must be placed in the
TBLP and TBHP (If the OTP option TBHP is disabled,
the value in TBHP has no effect). The TBLH is read
only and cannot be restored. If the main routine and
the ISR (Interrupt Service Routine) both employ the
table read instruction, the contents of the TBLH in the
main routine are likely to be changed by the table read
instruction used in the ISR. Errors can occur. In other
words, using the table read instruction in the main rou-
tine and the ISR simultaneously should be avoided.
However, if the table read instruction has to be applied
in both the main routine and the ISR, the interrupt
should be disabled prior to the table read instruction. It
will not be enabled until the TBLH has been backed
up. All table related instructions require two cycles to
complete the operation. These areas may function as
normal program memory depending on the require-
0 . The Table
Once TBHP is enabled, the instruction TABRDC [m]
reads the ROM data as defined by TBLP and TBHP
value. Otherwise, the ROM code option TBHP is dis-
abled, the instruction TABRDC [m] reads the ROM
data as defined by TBLP and the current program
counter bits.
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Program Memory
Table Location
Table Location
Note: *10~*0: Table location bits
P10~P8: Current program counter bits when TBHP is disabled
@7~@0: TBLP bits
TBHP register bit2~bit0 when TBHP is enabled