The HFA3841 was designed to implement 16-bit wide
memory by using two 8-bit RAM chips. The HFA3841
provides high and low write enable signals (MWEH_ and
MWEL_), and a single output enable (MOE_). This allows a
direct connection, enabling a pair of 8-bit SRAMs to function
as a 16-bit device. MA0 functions as Address 0 for 8-bit
access (such as Flash), and as MWEH (High Byte Write
Enable) for 16-bit access (such as SRAM), since address bit
0 is not used for 16-bit accesses.
Some single chip 16-bit SRAMs use an alternate connection
scheme with five pins: a Chip Select, an Output Enable, a
single Write Enable, and Upper and Lower byte enables,
which control both read and write cycles. Thus, external
logic is required to generate the required signals.
See Application Note AN9844, "HFA3841 to PRISMII
Connections" for important information regarding the
connection of these types of 16-bit SRAM chips to the
Host Interface
PC Card Physical Interface
The Host interface is compatible to the PC Card 95 Standard
(PCMCIA v2.1). The HFA3841 Host Interface pins connect
directly to the correspondingly named pins on the PC Card
connector with no external components (other than
resistors) required. The HFA3841 operates as an I/O card
using less than 64 octet locations. Reads and writes to
internal registers and buffer memory are performed by I/O
accesses. Attribute memory (256 octets) is provided for the
CIS table which is located in external memory. Common
memory is not used.
The following describes specific features of various pins:
Decoding of the system address space is performed by the
HCEx-. During I/O accesses HA[5:0] decode the register.
HA[9:6] are ignored when the internal HAMASK register is
set to the defaults used by the standard firmware. During
attribute memory accesses HA[9:1] are used.
The host interface is primarily designed for word accesses,
although all byte access modes are fully supported. See
HCE1-, HCE2- for a further description. Note that attribute
memory is specified for and operates with even bytes
accesses only.
HCE1-, HCE2-
The PC Card cycle type and width are controlled with the CE
signals. Word and Byte wide accesses are supported, using
the combinations of HCE1-, HCE2-, and HA0 as specified in
the PC Card standard.
HOE- and HWE- are only used to access attribute memory.
Common Memory, as specified in the PC Card standard, is
not used in the HFA3841. HOE- is the strobe that enables an
attribute memory read cycle. HWE- is the corresponding
strobe for the attribute memory write cycle. The attribute
space contains the Card Information Structure (CIS) as well
as the Function Configuration Registers (FCR).
HIORD- and HIOWR- are the enabling strobes for register
access cycles to the HFA3841. These cycles can only be
performed once the initialization procedure is complete and
the HFA3841 has been put into IO mode.
This signal must be asserted for I/O or attribute cycles. A
cycle with HREG- unasserted will be ignored as the
HFA3841 does not support common memory.
This signal is asserted by the HFA3841 whenever a valid I/O
read cycle takes place. A valid cycle is when HCE1-, HCE2-,
HREG-, and HIORD- are asserted, once the initialization
procedure is complete.
Wait states are inserted in accesses using HWAIT-. The host
interface synchronizes all PC Card cycles to the internal
HFA3841 clock. The following wait states should be
Direct Read or Write to Hardware Register
1/2 to 1 MCLK assertion of HWAIT- for internal
Write to Memory Mapped Register, Buffer Access Path,
or Attribute Space (Post-Write)
The data required for the write cycle will be latched and
therefore only the synchronizing wait state will occur.
Until the queued cycle has actually written to the memory,
any subsequent access by the Host will result in a WAIT.
Read to Attribute Space and Memory Mapped Registers
WAIT will assert until the memory arbitration and access
have completed.
Buffer Access Paths, BAP0 and BAP1
An internal Pre-Read cycle to memory is initiated by a
host Buffer Read cycle, after the internal address pointer
has auto-incremented. If the next host cycle is a read to
the same buffer, the data will be available without a
memory arbitration delay.
A single register holds the pre-read data. Thus, any read
access to any other memory-mapped register (or the other
Preliminary - HFA3841