Rev.0.5, July.31.2003, page 74 of 196
Set start/halt of VGL, VCL operations. Set PON according to the power supply start sequence.
PON=0: Halt
PON=1: Start
Select the operation mode of Vcom2 output. Set EQM = 0.
Control the start-up of DDVDH. See “Instruction Setting Flow” (p.185) for details on the setting.
Make a setting for VcomH (the High voltage of Vcom). VcomH can be amplified to the level
VREG1OUT x 0.40 ~ 0.98. When VCM[4:0] = 5’h0F, internal volume is halted and VcomH is adjusted by
an external resistor from VcomR. See the datasheet of HD66783 whether to generate VcomH level with
internal electronic volume or an external resistor.
Select the operation frequency of step-up circuit 2. If the step-up operation frequency is set high,
display quality will be enhanced due to increased drive capacity of step-up circuit, while power
consumption will be increased. Make an adjustment taking both display quality and power consumption
into consideration. See the datasheet of HD66783 for details.
Set the start position of scanning gate bus line. For details, see the datasheets of HD66783.
Set the number of liquid crystal drive raster-rows. The number of raster-rows can be set to 8
multiples. The value should be set equal to or more than to drive the number of raster-rows required for the
panel size.
Note: Set SCN[5:0] and NL[5:0] to satisfy the following equation:
(Output start position) + (Number of drive raster-rows) – 1
320 (raster-rows)
Set the scan direction of gate bus lines. The direction is changeable according to the gate driver’s
position on the assembly. For details, see the datasheets of HD66783.
Set the number of valid lines to drive n-line interlacing. For details, see the datasheets of
Registers of HD667P21
Adjust the amount of constant current in the operational amplifier in the liquid crystal drive
power supply. When the amount of constant current is set large, the liquid crystal drive capacity will be
enhanced and the display quality will improve, while the current consumption will increase. Select an
optimum amount of current taking both the display quality and the current consumption into account.
When no display operation is required, set AP[2:0] = “3’h0” to halt the operation of operational amplifier
and step-up circuits to reduce the current consumption. If AP[2:0] is set otherwise, it starts step-up circuit
to output VLOUT1, VLOUT2. For details, see the datasheets of HD667P21.
Select the operation frequency of step-up circuit 1. If the step-up operation frequency is set high,
display quality will be enhanced due to increased drive capacity of step-up circuit, while power
consumption will be increased. Make an adjustment taking both display quality and power consumption
into consideration. For details, see the datasheets of HD66783.
When GON=0, the Vcom level becomes GND.