The H8/3337 Series and H8/3397 Series is a high-performance single-chip microcomputer that
integrates peripheral functions necessary for system configuration with an H8/300 CPU featuring a
32-bit internal architecture as its core.
On-chip peripheral functions include ROM, RAM, four kinds of timers, a serial communication
interface (SCI), host interface (HIF), keyboard controller, D/A converter, A/D converter, and I/O
ports, enabling the H8/3337 Series and H8/3397 Series to be used as a microcontroller for
embedding in high-speed control systems. Flash memory (F-ZTAT*), PROM (ZTAT*), and
mask ROM are available as on-chip ROM, enabling users to respond quickly and flexibly to
changing application specifications and the demands of the transition from initial to full-fledged
volume production.
Note: * F-ZTAT is a trademark of Hitachi, Ltd.
ZTAT is a registered trademark of Hitachi, Ltd.
Intended Readership: This manual is intended for users undertaking the design of an application
system using a H8/3337 Series and H8/3397 Series microcomputer.
Readers using this manual require a basic knowledge of electrical circuits,
logic circuits, and microcomputers.
The purpose of this manual is to give users an understanding of the
hardware functions and electrical characteristics of the H8/3337 Series and
H8/3397 Series. Details of execution instructions can be found in the
H8/300 Series Programming Manual, which should be read in conjunction
with the present manual.
Using this Manual:
For an overall understanding of the H8/3337 Series’ and H8/3397 Series’ functions
Follow the Table of Contents. This manual is broadly divided into sections on the CPU, system
control functions, peripheral functions, and electrical characteristics.
For a detailed understanding of CPU functions
Refer to the separate publication H8/300 Series Programming Manual.
For a detailed description of a register’s function when the register name is known.
Information on addresses, bit contents, and initialization is summarized in Appendix B,
Internal I/O Register.
Note on bit notation: Bits are shown in high-to-low order from left to right.
Related Material: The latest information is available at our Web Site. Please make sure that you
have the most up-to-date information available.