Hitachi Embedded Workshop User Manual
Viewing the Source Line for a Breakpoint
Select a breakpoint and choose [Go to Source] from the pop-up menu to open the [Source] or [Disassembly]
window at address of breakpoint. The [Go to Source] menu is only available when one breakpoint is selected.
Closing Input or Output File
Select a breakpoint and choose [Close File] from the pop-up menu to close the selected [File Input] or [File
Output] data file and to reset the address to read the file.
Closing All Input and Output Files
Choose [Close All Files] from the pop-up menu to close all [File Input] and [File Output] data files and to reset
the address to read the file.
Analyzing Performance
Use the [Performance Analysis] window to select a function name and analyze the performance.
Opening the Performance Analysis Window
Choose [View -> Performance -> Performance Analysis] or click the [PA] toolbar button
to open the
[Performance analysis] window.
Figure 4.66 Performance Analysis Window
This window displays the number of execution cycles required for each specified function.
The number of execution cycles are calculated as follows:
Execution cycles = total number of execution cycles when execution returns from the function
– total number of execution cycles when the target function is called
The following items are displayed:
Index number of the set condition
Name of the function to be measured (or the start address of the function)
Total number of instruction execution cycles
Total number of calls for the function
Ratio of execution cycle count required for the function to the execution cycle count required for
the whole program
Histogram display of the above ratio