Hitachi Embedded Workshop User Manual
About This Manual
This manual describes the HEW system. This manual is composed of two parts. HEW part describes information on the
basic “l(fā)ook and feel” of the HEW and customizing the HEW environment and detail the build. Simulator/Debugger part
describes Debugger functions of the Hitachi Embedded Workshop.
This manual does not intend to explain how to write C/C++ or assembly language programs, how to use any particular
operating system or how best to tailor code for the individual devices. These issues are left to the respective manuals.
Document Conventions
This manual uses the following typographic conventions:
Table 1
Typographic Conventions
[Menu->Menu Option]
Bold text with ‘->’ is used to indicate menu options
(for example, [File->Save As...]).
Uppercase names are used to indicate filenames.
“enter this string”
Used to indicate text that must be entered (excluding the “” quotes).
Key + Key
Used to indicate required key presses. For example, CTRL+N means
press the CTRL key and then, whilst holding the CTRL key down,
press the N key.
(The “how to” symbol)
When this symbol is used, it is always located in the left hand margin.
It indicates that the text to its immediate right is describing “how to”
do something.