Hitachi Embedded Workshop User Manual
Click to select the section group with the highest-priority among the displayed section groups.
Figure 4.41 Overlay Dialog Box (Highest-Priority Section Group Selected)
After selecting a section group, clicking the [OK] button stores the priority setting and closes the dialog box.
Clicking the [Cancel] button closes the dialog box without storing the priority setting.
Note: Within the address range used by the overlay function, the debugging information for the section
specified in the [Overlay] dialog box is referred to. Therefore, the same section of the currently
loaded program must be selected in the [Overlay] dialog box.
Looking at Variables
This section describes how you can look at variables in the source program.
Tooltip Watch
The quickest way to look at a variable in your program is to use the Tooltip Watch feature.
! To use Tooltip Watch:
Open the [Source] window showing the variable that you want to examine.
Rest the mouse cursor over the variable name that you want to examine - a tooltip will appear near the variable
containing basic watch information for that variable.
Figure 4.42 Tooltip Watch
Instant Watch
Open the [Source] window showing the variable that you want to examine.
Rest the mouse cursor over the variable name that you want to examine and choose [Instant Watch...] from the
pop-up menu; the [Instant Watch] dialog box will appear and display the variable at the cursor location.