Hitachi Embedded Workshop User Manual
The following execution conditions can be specified in this dialog box:
[Program Counter]
Instruction address to start execution. The initial value is
the current PC value.
[Temporary PC Breakpoints]
A temporary PC breakpoint. When execution started
by this dialog box stops, this breakpoint is cleared.
Note: The [Temporary PC Breakpoints] feature requires a PC breakpoint - if you have already used all
those available then the feature will not work.
Clicking the [Go] button starts execution according to the settings. Clicking the [Reset Go] button starts
execution from the reset vector. Clicking the [Cancel] button closes this dialog box without executing
Single Step
To debug your code it is very useful to be able to step a single line or instruction at a time and examine the effect
of that instruction on the system. In the [Source] window, then a step operation will step a single source line. In
the [Disassembly] window, a step operation will step a single assembly-language instruction. If the instruction
calls another function or subroutine, you have the option to either step into or step over the function. If the
instruction does not perform a call, then either option will cause the debugger to execute the instruction and stop
at the next instruction.
Stepping Into a Function
If you choose to step into the function the debugger will execute the call and stop at the first line or instruction of
the function. To step into the function either click the [Step In] toolbar button
, or choose [Debug->Step In].
Stepping Over a Function Call
If you choose to step over the function the debugger will execute the call and all of the code in the function (and
any function calls that that function may make) and stop at the next line or instruction of the calling function. To
step over the function either click the [Step Over] toolbar button
, or choose [Debug->Step Over].
Stepping Out of a Function
There are occasions when you may have entered a function, finished stepping through the instructions that you
want to examine and would like to return to the calling function without tediously stepping through all the
remaining code in the function. Or alternatively you may have stepped into a function by accident, when you
meant to step over it and so want to return to the calling function without stepping all the way through the
current function. You can do this with the Step Out feature.
To step out of the current function either click the [Step Out] toolbar button
, or choose [Debug->Step Out].
Multiple Steps
You can step several instructions at a time by using the [Step Program] dialog box. The dialog box also provides
an automated step with a selectable delay between steps. Open it by choosing [Debug-> Step...].