Rev. 2.0, 03/06/02, 31
Show File Paths
If “Show file paths” is selected, all of the files in the project window are shown with their full path, i.e. from a
drive letter (figure 2.22).
Figure 2.22: File Paths Shown
Setting the Current Project
A workspace can contain more than one project but only one of the projects can be active at any time. This
active project is the one which build actions and debug operations can be performed on. It is possible to change
the builder or debugger options for the project. An active project is displayed in bold.
To set a project as the current project:
1. Select the project from the “Projects” tab of the “Workspace” window.
2. Click the right mouse button to display the pop-up menu and select the [Set as Current Project] option.
Select the project, which you want to make active from the [Project->Set Current Project] sub-menu.
Inserting a Project into a Workspace
When a workspace is created, it contains only one project but, after it is created, you can insert new or existing
projects into a workspace.
To insert a new project into a workspace:
1. Select [Project->Insert Project…]. The “Insert Project” dialog will be displayed (figure 2.23).
2. Set the “New Project” option.
3. Click OK. The “Insert New Project” dialog will be invoked.
4. Enter the name of the new workspace into the “Name” field. This can be up to 32 characters in length and
contain letters, numbers and the underscore character. As you enter the project name the HEW will add a
subdirectory for you automatically. This can be deleted if desired.
5. Click the “Browse…” button to graphically select the directory in which you would like to create the
project. Alternatively, you can type the directory into the “Directory” field manually.
6. The “Project type” list displays all of the available project types (e.g. application, library etc.). Select the
type of project that you want to create from this list.
7. Click “OK” to create the project and insert it into the workspace.