Hitachi Embedded Workshop User Manual
Running from Reset
To reset your user system and run your program from the reset vector address, choose [Debug->Reset Go], or
click the [Go Reset] toolbar button
The program will run until it hits a breakpoint or a break condition is met. You can stop the program manually
by choosing [Debug->Halt], or by clicking the [Halt] toolbar button
Note: The program will start running from whatever address is stored in the Reset Vector location.
Therefore it is important to make sure that this location contains the address of your startup code.
Continuing Run
When your program is stopped, the HEW will display an yellow arrow mark in the gutter of the line in the editor
and [Disassembly] windows that correspond to the CPU's current program counter (PC) address value. This will
be the next instruction to be executed if you perform a step or continue running.
To continue running from the current PC address, click the [Go] toolbar button
, or choose [Debug->Go].
To continue running from a specified address which is not the stop address, change the PC value in one of the
following ways, and click the [Go] toolbar button
or choose [Debug->Go].
Change the PC value in the [Register] window. Refer to section 4.7.3, Modifying Register Contents.
Place the text cursor (not the mouse cursor) to a target line in the [Source] or [Disassembly] window, and
choose [Set PC Here] from the pop-up menu.
Running to the Cursor
Sometimes as you are going through your application you may want to run only a small section of code, that
would require many single steps to execute. You can do this using the Go To Cursor feature.
How to use the Go To Cursor
1. Make sure that a [Source] or [Disassembly] window is open showing the address at which you wish to stop.
2. Position the text cursor on the address at which you wish to stop by either clicking in the [Address] field or
using the cursor keys.
3. Choose [Go To Cursor] from the pop-up menu.
The debugging platform will run your code from the current PC value until it reaches the address indicated by
the cursor's position.
Notes: 1. If your program never executes the code at this address, the program will not stop. If this
happens, code execution can be stopped by pressing the Esc key, choosing [Debug->Halt], or
clicking on the [Halt] toolbar button
2. The Go To Cursor feature requires a PC breakpoint - if you have already used all those
available, then the feature will not work.
Running from a Specified Address
The [Run Program] dialog box allows the user to run the program from any address. Choose [Debug -> Run...]
to open the [Run Program] dialog box.