Hitachi Embedded Workshop User Manual
Error Messages
The simulator/debugger outputs error messages to notify users of the errors of user programs or operation. Table
6.2 lists the error messages.
Table 6.2
Error Messages
Address Error
One of the following states occurred:
A PC value was an odd number.
An instruction was read from the internal I/O area.
Word data was accessed to an address other than address 2n.
Longword data was accessed to an address other than address 2n.
Correct the user program to prevent the error from occurring.
Exception Error
An error occurred during exception processing.
Correct the user program to prevent the error from occurring.
File Open Error
An error occurred during opening a file with the break of file-input/output
action. Correct the file setting.
File Input Error
An error occurred during reading a file with the break of file-input/output action.
Correct the file setting.
File Output Error
An error occurred during writing to a file with the break of file-input/output
action. Correct the file setting.
Illegal Instruction
Either of the following states occurred:
A code other than an instruction was executed.
MOV.B Rn,@-SP or MOV.B @SP+,Rn was executed.
Correct the user program to prevent the error from occurring.
Illegal Operation
Either of the following states occurred:
The relationship between flags C and H of CCR and the value before
compensation was illegal in the DAA or DAS instruction.
A division by zero or an overflow occurred during DIVXU or DIVXS
instruction execution.
Correct the user program to prevent the error from occurring.
Memory Access
One of the following states occurred:
A memory area that had not been allocated was accessed.
Data was written to a memory area having the write protect attribute.
Data was read from a memory area having the read disable attribute.
A memory area in which memory does not exist was accessed.
Allocate memory, change the memory attribute, or correct the user program to
prevent the memory from being accessed.