Hitachi Embedded Workshop User Manual
Figure 4.79 Set Batch File Dialog Box
Executing a Command File
Click the [Play] button in the [Set Batch File] dialog box or choose [Play] from the pop-up menu to execute the
command file. The [Play] menu is displayed in gray while the file is running and can be used when the command
file execution stops and control returns to the user.
Stopping Command Execution
Choose [Stop] from the pop-up menu to stop command execution. The [Stop] menu becomes valid during
command execution.
Specifying a Log File
Choose [Set Log File...] from the pop-up menu to open the [Open Log File] dialog box, in which a log file to
store the command execution results can be specified.
Figure 4.80 Open Log File Dialog Box
Enter the name of a log file (*.log). The logging option is automatically set and the name of the file is shown on
the window title bar.
Opening a previous log file will ask the user if they wish to append or overwrite the current log.
Starting or Stopping Logging
Choose [Logging] from the pop-up menu to toggle logging to file on and off. When logging is active, the button
becomes effective. Note that the contents of the log file cannot be viewed until logging is completed, or
temporarily disabled by clearing the check box. Re-enabling logging will append to the log file.
Entering a Full Path to the File
It is recommended that the full path to a file is specified as a file name in the [Command line] window because
the current directory can be moved. However, care must be taken to enter the correct full path to a file when it is
entered from the keyboard. To save this trouble, a full path can be easily specified by browsing through files.