Hitachi Embedded Workshop User Manual
Working with Multiple Files
The file area is where you will work with the files of your project. The editor allows you to have many files open
at one time, to switch between them, to arrange them in different configurations and to edit them in whichever
order you want to. The operations that you can perform upon the windows are typical of most Windows
applications and they can be found under the [Window] menu:
Arrange all open windows so that they overlap, with the top left of each window visible.
[Window->Tile Horizontally]
Arrange all open windows in sequence (horizontally) so that they occupy the entire editor window with no
overlapping edges.
[Window->Tile Vertically]
Arrange all open windows in sequence (vertically) so that they occupy the entire editor window with no
overlapping edges.
[Window->Arrange Icons]
Line up all minimized windows at the bottom of the editor window.
[Window->Close All]
Close all open editor windows.
The files within the editor can be displayed in a “notebook” style. This means that each file has a separate tab
associated with it to aid in navigating between files.
To show files in notebook:
1. Select [Tools->Options…]. The “Tools Options” dialog box will be displayed. Select the “Editor” tab.
2. Set the “Show files in notebook” check box as appropriate.
3. Click “OK” for the new settings to take effect.
The Editor Toolbars
The editor has four related toolbars: Editor, Search, Bookmarks and Templates. They provide a shortcut to the
functions of the editor, which you will use most often. The following sections describe each buttons function.
Editor Toolbar Buttons
New File
The new file button creates a new source file window with a default name. When you save the file, you can
specify your own filename.
Open File
Click this button if you want to open a file. It invokes a standard file chooser - select the file which you want to
open and then click “Open”.
Save File
Saves the active source file.
Save All Files
Saves all of the files in the editor.