Hitachi Embedded Workshop User Manual
Closing a Workspace
Selecting [File -> Close Workspace] closes a HEW workspace. If there are any changes to the workspace or any
of its projects, you will be requested whether or not you wish to save them.
Selecting [File -> Save Workspace] can save a HEW workspace.
Using Old Workspaces
The HEW can open any workspace that was created on a previous version of the HEW. This should not cause
any problems, and any differences in the workspace file details should be upgraded when the workspace is
opened. A back-up version of the initial workspace or project file must be saved in the current directory of the
file that has been upgraded. The session files used in the Hitachi Debugging Interface will not be upgraded.
Exiting the HEW
The HEW can be exited by selecting [File -> Exit], pressing the ALT + F4 accelerator, or selecting the [Close]
option from the system menu. (To open the system menu, click the icon at the upper-left corner of the HEW title
bar.) If a workspace is currently open, the same workspace closing procedure is followed as described in section
1.6, Closing a Workspace.
Debugger Sessions
The HEW stores all of your builder options into a configuration. In a similar way, the HEW stores your
debugger options in a session. The debugging platforms, the programs to be downloaded, and each debugging
platform’s options can be stored in a session.
Sessions are not directly related to a configuration. This means that multiple sessions can share the same
download module and avoid unnecessary code rebuilds.
Each session’s data should be stored in a separate file in the HEW project. For details, refer to section 3.4,
Debugger Sessions.