Hitachi Embedded Workshop User Manual
Figure 4.61 Trace Search Dialog Box
This dialog box specifies the conditions for searching trace information. Specify a search item in [Item] and
search for the specified contents in [Value].
Pointer in the trace buffer (0 for the last executed instruction, specify in the form of -nnn)
Total number of instruction execution cycles
Instruction address
Instruction mnemonic
Clicking the [OK] button stores the settings and starts searching. Clicking the [Cancel] button closes this dialog
box without searching.
When a trace record that matches the search conditions is found, the line for the trace record will be highlighted.
When no matching trace record is found, a message dialog box will appear.
If a find operation is successful, choosing [Find Next] from the pop-up menu will move to the next found item.
Clearing the Trace Information
Choose [Clear] form the pop-up menu to empty the trace buffer that stores the trace information. If more than
one [Trace] window is open, all [Trace] windows will be cleared as they all access the same buffer.
Saving the Trace Information in a File
Choose [Save...] from the pop-up menu to open the [Save As] file dialog box, which allows the user to save the
contents of the trace buffer as a text file. A range can be specified based on the [PTR] number (saving the
complete buffer may take several minutes). Note that this file cannot be reloaded into the trace buffer.
Viewing the Source Window
The [Source] window corresponding to the selected trace record can be displayed in the following two ways:
Select a trace record and choose [View Source] from the pop-up menu.
Double-click a trace record
The [Source] or [Disassembly] window opens and the selected line is marked with a cursor.
Trimming the Source
Choose [Trim Source] from he pop-up menu to remove the white space from the left side of the source.