Hitachi Embedded Workshop User Manual
Memory Resource
To use the simulator, the memory resource of the address range being used must be saved.
In this case, the settings can be referred to in the [Simulator] sheet of the [Standard Toolchain] dialog box (figure
3.12). The [Simulator] sheet contains the following buttons:
Displays the memory map information.
Adds a memory resource.
Modifies the selected memory resource.
Removes the selected memory resource.
Clicking the [Add] button displays the [Add memory resource] dialog box (figure 3.14).
Figure 3.14 Add memory resource Dialog Box
Specify the following items in the [Add memory resource] dialog box:
Start address
End address
Attribute (R: Read-only, R/W: Readable/Writable)
The memory resource settings can be changed in the [Simulator Memory Resource] dialog box. For details, refer
to section 4.21.3, Simulator Memory Resource Dialog Box.
Modification of the memory resource information in the [Simulator Memory Resource] dialog box will be
reflected in the contents of the [Standard Toolchain] dialog box, and modification in the [Standard Toolchain]
dialog box will be reflected in the contents of the [Simulator Memory Resource] dialog box as well.
Downloading a Program
If there is sufficient memory in the system in which to download your program, you can then proceed to
download a program to debug. By default, the program output from the linker of the current project is
automatically downloaded.
It is also possible to manually choose the download modules after the project creation. This is achieved via the
[Debug Settings] dialog box shown in figure 3.16. This dialog box allows you to control the debug settings
throughout your workspace. The tree on the left of the dialog box contains all of the current projects. Selecting
a project in this tree will then show you the settings for that project, and the session selection in the session drop-
down list. Multiple sessions or all sessions in this list box can be selected. If you select multiple sessions, you