HD404889/HD404899/HD404878/HD404868 Series
Buzzer Output Circuit
Buzzer Output Circuit Functions:
The buzzer output circuit has the following functions.
Timer overflow toggle output
System clock divided clock pulse output
The block diagram of the buzzer output circuit is shown in figure 93.
Buzzer Output Circuit Operation
Timer overflow toggle output operation
The timer overflow toggle output operation setting is made by bits 1 and 2 of the buzzer mode register
(BMR) and bit 2 of port mode register 2 (PMR2). By clearing bit 2 of the buzzer mode register (BMR)
to 0, selecting timer B or timer C overflow by bit 1, and setting bit 2 of port mode register 2 (PMR2) to
1, a toggle waveform is output from the BUZZ pin with overflow as the trigger.
System clock divided clock pulse output
The system clock divided clock pulse output operation setting is made by bits 0 to 3 of the buzzer mode
register (BMR) and bit 2 of port mode register 2 (PMR2). Bit 2 of the buzzer mode register (BMR) is
set to 1, the system clock division ratio is selected by bits 0 and 1, and bit 2 of port mode register 2
(PMR2) is set to 1. Clock pulses are output by setting bit 3 of the buzzer mode register (BMR) to 1. If
bit 3 of the buzzer mode register (BMR) is cleared to 0, the BUZZ pin goes low.
The clock pulse width is fixed without regard to the timing set by bit 3 of the buzzer mode register
(BMR), and careful coordination with software is necessary with regard to the number of output pulses.
After a clock pulse modification is made, clock pulses should not be output until 4tcyc after the
modifying instruction.
Only a bit manipulation instruction can be used on bit 3 of the buzzer mode register (BMR).
Buzzer Output Circuit Registers
Buzzer output circuit operation setting is performed by the following registers.
Buzzer mode register (BMR: $02E)
Port mode register 2 (PMR2: $00A)
Buzzer mode register (BMR: $02E):
The buzzer mode register (BMR) is a 4-bit write-only register used to set toggle output by timer overflow
and system clock divided clock pulse output as shown in figure 94.
Bit 3 of the buzzer mode register (BMR) can only accessed by a bit manipulation instruction.
The buzzer mode register (BMR) is reset to $0 by an MCU reset.