22. Translate Sector (code: 87H): This command allows the host a method of determining the exact number
of times a user sector has been erased and programmed.
23. Wear Level (code: F5H): This command effectively a NOP command and only implemented for
backward compatibility.
24. Write Buffer (code: E8H): This command enables the host to overwrite contents of the Card's sector
buffer with any data pattern desired.
25. Write Long Sector (code: 32H or 33H): This command is provided for compatibility purposes and is
similar to the Write Sector(s) command except that it writes 516 bytes instead of 512 bytes.
26. Write Multiple (code: C5H): This command is similar to the Write Sectors command. Interrupts are not
presented on each sector, but on the transfer of a block which contains the number of sectors defined by Set
Multiple command.
27. Write Multiple without Erase (code: CDH): This command is similar to the Write Multiple command
with the exception that an implied erase before write operation is not performed.
28. Write Sector(s) (code: 30H or 31H): This command writes from 1 to 256 sectors as specified in the
Sector Count register. A sector count of zero requests 256 sectors. The transfer begins at the sector specified
in the Sector Number register.
29. Write Sector(s) without Erase (code: 38H): This command is similar to the Write Sector(s) command
with the exception that an implied erase before write operation is not performed.
30. Write Verify (code: 3CH): This command is similar to the Write Sector(s) command, except each sector
is verified immediately after being written.