Rev. 2.0, 08/02, page 82 of 788
Interrupts after Reset
If an interrupt is accepted after a reset and before the stack pointer (SP) is initialized, the PC and
CCR will not be saved correctly, leading to a program crash. To prevent this, all interrupt requests,
including NMI, are disabled immediately after a reset. Since the first instruction of a program is
always executed immediately after the reset state ends, make sure that this instruction initializes
the stack pointer (example: MOV.L #xx: 32, SP).
On-Chip Peripheral Modules after Reset is Cancelled
After a reset is cancelled, the module stop control registers (MSTPCR) are initialized, and all
modules except the DTC operate in module stop mode. Therefore, the registers of on-chip
peripheral modules cannot be read from or written to. To read from and write to these registers,
clear module stop mode.
Interrupt Exception Handling
Interrupts are controlled by the interrupt controller. The sources to start interrupt exception
handling are external interrupt sources (NMI, IRQ7 to IRQ0, KIN15 to KIN0, and WUE7 to
WUE0) and internal interrupt sources from the on-chip peripheral modules. NMI is an interrupt
with the highest priority. For details, refer to section 5, Interrupt Controller.
Interrupt exception handling is conducted as follows:
1. The values in the program counter (PC) and condition code register (CCR) are saved to the
2. A vector address corresponding to the interrupt source is generated, the start address is loaded
from the vector table to the PC, and program execution begins from that address.
Trap Instruction Exception Handling
Trap instruction exception handling starts when a TRAPA instruction is executed. Trap instruction
exception handling can be executed at all times in the program execution state.
Trap instruction exception handling is conducted as follows:
1. The values in the program counter (PC) and condition code register (CCR) are saved to the
2. A vector address corresponding to the interrupt source is generated, the start address is loaded
from the vector table to the PC, and program execution starts from that address.
The TRAPA instruction fetches a start address from a vector table entry corresponding to a vector
number from 0 to 3, as specified in the instruction code.