2011 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation
FXMAR2102 Rev. 1.0.1
Application Information
The FXMAR2102 has open-drain I/Os and includes a
total of four 10K· internal pull-up resistors (RPU) on
each of the four data I/O pins, as shown in Figure 4. If a
pair of data I/O pins (An/Bn) is not used, both pins should
disconnected, eliminating unwanted current flow through
the internal RPUs. External RPUs can be added to the
I/Os to reduce the total RPU value, depending on the
total bus capacitance. The designer is free to lower the
total pull-up resistor value to meet the maximum I
edge rate per the I
2C specification (UM10204 rev. 03,
June 19, 2007)
. For example, according to the I
specification, the maximum edge rate (30% - 70%)
during Fast Mode (400kbit/s) is 300ns. If the bus
capacitance is approaching the maximum 400pF, a
lower total RPU value helps keep the rise time below
300ns (Fast Mode). Likewise, the I
2C specification also
specifies a minimum Serial Clock Line High Time of
600ns during Fast Mode (400KHz). Lowering the total
RPU also helps increase the SCL High Time. If the bus
capacitance approaches 400pF, it may make sense to
use the FXMA2102, which does not contain internal
RPUs. Then calculate the ideal external RPU value.
Section 7.1 of the I
2C specification provides an
excellent guideline for pull-up resistor sizing.
Theory of Operation
The FXMAR2102 is designed for high-performance level
shifting and buffer / repeating in an I
2C application.
Figure 1 shows that each bi-directional channel contains
two series-Npassgates and two dynamic drivers. This
hybrid architecture is highly beneficial in an I
application where auto-direction is a necessity.
For example, during the following three I
2C protocol
Clock Stretching
Slave’s ACK Bit (9
th bit = 0) following a Master’s
Write Bit (8
th bit = 0)
Clock Synchronization and Multi-Master
the bus direction needs to change from master-to-slave
to slave-to-master without the occurrence of an edge. If
there is an I
2C translator between the master and slave
in these examples, the I
2C translator must change
direction when both A and B ports are LOW. The
Npassgates can accomplish this task very efficiently
because, when both A and B ports are LOW, the
Npassgates act as a low-resistive short between the A
and B ports.
Due to I
2C’s open-drain topology, I2C masters and
slaves are not push/pull drivers. Logic LOWs are “pulled
down” (Isink), while logic HIGHs are “l(fā)et go” (3-state). For
example, when the master lets go of SCL (SCL always
comes from the master), the rise time of SCL is largely
determined by the RC time constant, where R = RPU and
C = the bus capacitance. If the FXMAR2102 is attached
to the master [on the A port] and there is a slave on the
B port, the Npassgates act as a low-resistive short
between both ports until either of the port’s VCC/2
thresholds are reached. After the RC time constant has
reached the VCC/2 threshold of either port, the port’s
edge detector triggers both dynamic drivers to drive
their respective ports in the LOW-to-HIGH (LH)
direction, accelerating the rising edge. The resulting rise
time resembles the scope shot in Figure 5. Effectively,
two distinct slew rates appear in rise time. The first slew
rate (slower) is the RC time constant of the bus. The
second slew rate (much faster) is the dynamic driver
accelerating the edge.
If both the A and B ports of the translator are HIGH, a
high-impedance path exists between the A and B ports
because both the Npassgates are turned off. If a master
or slave device decides to pull SCL or SDA LOW, that
device’s driver pulls down (Isink) SCL or SDA until the
edge reaches the A or B port VCC/2 threshold. When
either the A or B port threshold is reached, the port’s
edge detector triggers both dynamic drivers to drive
their respective ports in the HIGH-to-LOW (HL)
direction, accelerating the falling edge.
Figure 5. Waveform C: 600pF, Total RPU: 2.2K