FMSA/FMGA EMI Input Filters
Crane Aerospace & Electronics Power Solutions
Crane Aerospace & Electronics
Electronics Group (Interpoint Brand)
PO Box 97005 Redmond WA 98073-9705
425.882.3100 electronics@craneae.com
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Rev D - 20060508
The FMSA-461 EMI filter modules have been designed as a
companion for Interpoint MSA flyback power converters. Multiple
MSA power converters can be operated from a single filter provided
the total power line current does not exceed the filter maximum
rating. The FMSA filter will reduce the MSA’s power line reflected
ripple current to within the limit of MIL-STD-461C, Method CE03, as
shown in the example of Figures 4 and 5.
The FMSA is fabricated using thick film hybrid technology and is
sealed in a metal package for military, aerospace and other appli-
cations requiring EMI suppression. The filter uses only ceramic
capacitors for reliable high temperature operation.
The MSA power converter has an internal 2 μF capacitor across its
input power terminals. When the MSA and FMSA filters are used
together, this capacitor becomes part of the filter and forms its final
LC output section. When 2 or 3 MSAs are used with a single filter,
this capacitor becomes 4 μF or 6 μF respectively, rather than 2 μF,
improving the rejection vs. frequency.
The FMSA filter can also be used with other types of Interpoint
power converters (MHF, MHF+, MHE, MHD, and DCH series) to
comply with CE03. For MHF, MHF+, MHD, and MHE models, the
converter has an LC type line filter such that an inductor is seen
looking into its positive input terminal. For these converters, it is
necessary to terminate the filter with a capacitor to insure uncondi-
tionally stable operation. A capacitor across the filter output termi-
nals of greater than 4μF or the optional damping circuit shown on
the connection diagram will be adequate for stable operation. No
capacitor is required for MSA, or DCH models.
The optional damping circuit (Figure 2) can be used to prevent filter
overshoot caused by MIL-STD-704A 80 V, or other, transients
having rise times of less than 200 μSec. This damping can be alter-
nately provided with a 1.50 Ω resistor in series with the filter positive
input where the additional line loss can be tolerated. For transients
with rise times of greater than 200 μsec, there is no overshoot and
the damping circuit is not required.
The case of the filter must be connected to the case of the converter
through a low impedance connection to minimize EMI.
–55°C to +125°C operation
50 dB min. attenuation at 500 kHz
differential mode
45 dB min. attenuation at 5MHz
common mode
Compliant to MIL-STD-461C, CE03
Compatible with MIL-STD-704E
DC power bus
Compatible with MIL-STD-704A
through E (FMGA)
0.8 amp