Altera Corporation
MAX 7000 Programmable Logic Device Family Data Sheet
When the tri-state buffer control is connected to ground, the output is
tri-stated (high impedance) and the I/O pin can be used as a dedicated
input. When the tri-state buffer control is connected to VCC, the output is
The MAX 7000 architecture provides dual I/O feedback, in which
macrocell and pin feedbacks are independent. When an I/O pin is
configured as an input, the associated macrocell can be used for buried
bility (ISP)
MAX 7000S devices are in-system programmable via an
industry-standard 4-pin Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) interface (IEEE
Std. 1149.1-1990). ISP allows quick, efficient iterations during design
development and debugging cycles. The MAX 7000S architecture
internally generates the high programming voltage required to program
EEPROM cells, allowing in-system programming with only a single 5.0 V
power supply. During in-system programming, the I/O pins are tri-stated
and pulled-up to eliminate board conflicts. The pull-up value is nominally
50 k.
ISP simplifies the manufacturing flow by allowing devices to be mounted
on a printed circuit board with standard in-circuit test equipment before
they are programmed. MAX 7000S devices can be programmed by
downloading the information via in-circuit testers (ICT), embedded
processors, or the Altera MasterBlaster, ByteBlasterMV, ByteBlaster,
BitBlaster download cables. (The ByteBlaster cable is obsolete and is
replaced by the ByteBlasterMV cable, which can program and configure
2.5-V, 3.3-V, and 5.0-V devices.) Programming the devices after they are
placed on the board eliminates lead damage on high-pin-count packages
(e.g., QFP packages) due to device handling and allows devices to be
reprogrammed after a system has already shipped to the field. For
example, product upgrades can be performed in the field via software or
In-system programming can be accomplished with either an adaptive or
constant algorithm. An adaptive algorithm reads information from the
unit and adapts subsequent programming steps to achieve the fastest
possible programming time for that unit. Because some in-circuit testers
cannot support an adaptive algorithm, Altera offers devices tested with a
constant algorithm. Devices tested to the constant algorithm have an “F”
suffix in the ordering code.
The JamTM Standard Test and Programming Language (STAPL) can be
used to program MAX 7000S devices with in-circuit testers, PCs, or
embedded processor.