43051E–ATPL–08/14 Slot Cycle Limit Arbitration
The Bus Matrix contains specific logic to break long accesses, such as very long bursts on a very slow slave (e.g., an
external low speed memory). At each arbitration time, a counter is loaded with the value previously written in the
SLOT_CYCLE field of the related Slave Configuration Register (MATRIX_SCFG) and decreased at each clock cycle.
When the counter elapses, the arbiter has the ability to re-arbitrate at the end of the current AHB bus access cycle.
Unless a master has a very tight access latency constraint, which could lead to data overflow or underflow due to a badly
undersized internal FIFO with respect to its throughput, the Slot Cycle Limit should be disabled (SLOT_CYCLE = 0) or
set to its default maximum value in order not to inefficiently break long bursts performed by some Atmel masters.
In most cases, this feature is not needed and should be disabled for power saving.
This feature cannot prevent any slave from locking its access indefinitely.
26.7.2 Arbitration Priority Scheme
The bus Matrix arbitration scheme is organized in priority pools. The corresponding access criticality class is assigned to
each priority pool as shown in the
“Latency Quality of Service”
column in
Table 26-7
. Latency Quality of Service is
determined through the Bus Matrix user interface. See
Section 26.9.3 “Bus Matrix Priority Registers A For Slaves”
Table 26-7.
Arbitration Priority Pools
Round-robin priority is used in the highest and lowest priority pools 3 and 0, whereas fixed level priority is used between
priority pools and in the intermediate priority pools 2 and 1. See
Section “Round-robin Arbitration”
For each slave, each master is assigned to one of the slave priority pools through the Latency Quality of Service inputs or
through the priority registers for slaves (MxPR fields of MATRIX_PRAS and MATRIX_PRBS). When evaluating master
requests, this priority pool level always takes precedence.
After reset, most of the masters belong to the lowest priority pool (MxPR = 0, Background Transfer) and, therefore, are
granted bus access in a true round-robin order.
The highest priority pool must be specifically reserved for masters requiring very low access latency. If more than one
master belongs to this pool, they will be granted bus access in a biased round-robin manner which allows tight and
deterministic maximum access latency from AHB bus requests. In the worst case, any currently occurring high-priority
master request will be granted after the current bus master access has ended and other high priority pool master
requests, if any, have been granted once each.
The lowest priority pool shares the remaining bus bandwidth between AHB Masters.
Intermediate priority pools allow fine priority tuning. Typically, a latency-sensitive master or a bandwidth-sensitive master
will use such a priority level. The higher the priority level (MxPR value), the higher the master priority.
For good CPU performance, it is recommended to configure CPU priority with the default reset value 2 (Latency
All combinations of MxPR values are allowed for all masters and slaves. For example, some masters might be assigned
the highest priority pool (round-robin), and remaining masters the lowest priority pool (round-robin), with no master for
intermediate fix priority levels.
Priority Pool
Latency Quality of Service
Latency Critical
Latency Sensitive
Bandwidth Sensitive
Background Transfers