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The DS80C320/DS80C323 provides the standard Idle and power-down (Stop) that are available on the
standard 80C32. However the device has enhancements that make these modes more useful, and allow
more power saving.
The Idle mode is invoked by setting the LSB of the Power Control register (PCON - 87h). Idle will leave
internal clocks, serial port and timer running. No memory access will be performed so power is
dramatically reduced. Since clocks are running, the Idle power consumption is related to crystal
frequency. It should be approximately of the operational power. The CPU can exit the Idle state with
any interrupt or a reset.
The power-down or Stop mode is invoked by setting the PCON.1 bit. Stop mode is a lower power state
than Idle since it turns off all internal clocking. The I
of a standard Stop mode is approximately 1 μA
but is specified in the Electrical Specifications. The CPU will exit Stop mode from an external interrupt
or a reset condition.
Note that internally generated interrupts (timer, serial port, watchdog) are not useful in Idle or Stop since
they require clocking activity.
A simple enhancement to Idle mode makes it substantially more useful. The innovation involves not the
Idle mode itself, but the watchdog timer. As mentioned above, the Watchdog Timer provides an optional
interrupt capability. This interrupt can provide a periodic interval timer to bring the
DS80C320/DS80C323 out of Idle mode. This can be useful even if the Watchdog is not normally used.
By enabling the Watchdog Timer and its interrupt prior to invoking Idle, a user can periodically come out
of Idle perform an operation, then return to Idle until the next operation. This will lower the overall power
consumption. When using the Watchdog Interrupt to cancel the Idle state, make sure to restart the
Watchdog Timer or it will cause a reset.
The DS80C320/DS80C323 provides two enhancements to the Stop mode. As documented above, the
device provides a band-gap reference to determine Power-fail Interrupt and Reset thresholds. The default
state is that the band-gap reference is off when Stop mode is invoked. This allows the extremely low
power state mentioned above. A user can optionally choose to have the band-gap enabled during Stop
mode. This means that PFI and power-fail reset will be activated and are valid means for leaving Stop
In Stop mode with the band-gap on, I
will be approximately 50 μA compared with 1 μA with the band-
gap off. If a user does not require a Power-fail Reset or Interrupt while in Stop mode, the band-gap can
remain turned off. Note that only the most power sensitive applications should turn off the band-gap, as
this results in an uncontrolled power down condition.
The control of the band-gap reference is located in the Extended Interrupt Flag register (EXIF - 91h).
Setting BGS (EXIF.0) to a 1 will leave the band-gap reference enabled during Stop mode. The default or
reset condition is with the bit at a logic 0. This results in the band-gap being turned off during Stop mode.
Note that this bit has no control of the reference during full power or Idle modes.