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potentiometers are stacked end to end, the resistance value is doubled while the resolution remains the
same. The DS1667 also contains two high gain wide bandwidth operational amplifiers. Each amplifier
has both the inverting and non-inverting inputs and the output available for user configuration. The
operational amplifiers can be paired with the resistive elements to perform such functions as analog to
digital conversion, digital to analog conversion, variable gain amplifiers, and variable oscillators.
The DS1667 contains two potentiometers, each of which has its wiper set by a value contained in an 8-bit
register (see Figure 1). Each potentiometer consists of 256 resistors of equal value with tap points
between each resistor and at the low end.
In addition, the potentiometer can be stacked by connecting them in series such that the high end of
potentiometer 0 is connected to the low end of potentiometer 1. When stacking potentiometers, the stack
select bit is used to select which potentiometer wiper will appear at the stack multiplexer output (SOUT).
A zero written to the stack multiplexer will connect wiper 0 to the SOUT pin. This wiper will determine
which of the 256 bottom taps of the stacked potentiometer is selected. When a 1 is written to the stack
multiplexer, wiper 1 is selected and one of the upper 256 taps of the stacked potentiometer is presented at
the SOUT pin.
Information is written to and read from the wiper 0 and wiper 1 registers and the stack select bit via the
17-bit I/O shift register. The I/O shift register is serially loaded by a 3-wire serial port consisting of RST ,
DQ, and CLK. It is updated by transferring all 17 bits (Figure 2). Data can be entered into the 17-bit shift
register only when the RST input is at a high level. While at a high level, the RST function allows serial
entry of data via the D/Q pin. The potentiometers always maintain their previous value until RST is