16-bit Embedded Control Solutions
Development Boards
A variety of hardware development boards are available
for the PIC24 MCU and dsPIC DSC, enabling designers
to shorten their design cycle. These boards are designed
to allow easy connection to an MPLABICD 3 In-Circuit
Debugger, MPLAB REAL ICE In-Circuit Emulator or MPLAB
PM3 device programmer. All development boards include
documentation and example source code to accelerate your
16-bit 28-pin Starter Development Board
This low cost development board provides
an easy way to get started with any of
Microchip’s 28-pin 16-bit MCU or DSC
nanoWatt XLP 16-bit Development Board
The XLP 16-bit Development Board is designed
with eXtreme Low Power in mind. Designed as
a true platform for low power development, it
enables designs with sleep currents as low as
10 nA. The board is suitable for prototyping
many low power applications including RF
sensors, data loggers, temperature sensors, electronic door
locks, metering sensors, remote controls, security sensors,
smart cards and energy harvesting. The PICtail interface
supports Microchip’s extensive line of daughter cards for
easy evaluation of your next low power application.
Microstick for dsPIC33F and PIC24H Development
Board (DM330013)
The Microstick for dsPIC33F and
PIC24H devices is designed to provide
designers with an easy to use,
economical development environment for 16-bit digital signal
controllers and microcontrollers.
Microstick for 3V PIC24 K-series Development Board
Microstick for 3V PIC24F K-series is
a flexible, USB powered development
platform. It’s the perfect solution
for those looking to get started with
Microchip’s lowest cost 16-bit microcontroller families – the
PIC24F K-series – for extremely cost sensitive applications.
Microstick II Development Board (DM330013-2)
Microstick II delivers a low-cost,
easy-to-use development platform
for Microchip’s 16- and 32-bit
microcontrollers and digital signal controllers. The
USB-powered kit includes an on-board debugger/programmer,
a DUT socket for easy device swapping, a user LED and
reset button.
General Purpose Development and Evaluation Tools
Audio Development Board for dsPIC33E
The audio development board features
a 70 MIPS dsPIC33E MCU, a 24-bit
Wolfson audio codec, a two-inch color
LCD display, a USB interface and an
onboard microphone. Supported by
Microchip’s free software libraries, the kit provides an ideal
solution for the development of iPod music playback, speech
and audio recording and playback, as well as MP3 decoding
LCD Explorer Development Board (DM240314)
This development board supports
Microchip’s 100-pin microcontrollers with
x8 common segment LCD drivers. The
LCD Explorer provides an ideal platform
for a customer to evaluate a MCU with
a x8 Common LCD Driver on a 38 segment x 8 common
LCD display. PICtail Plus connections allow customers to
evaluate the selected MCU in a complex system by adding
Microchip’s PICtail Plus daughter boards.
PIC24H mTouch Capacitive Touch Evaluation Board
This evaluation board is designed to
facilitate the development of capacitive
touch-based applications using
PIC24H-series microcontrollers. This board
is intended to supplement the motherboard
portfolio already included in the mTouch
Capacitive Touch Evaluation Kit (DM183026-2).
PIC24FJ256DA210 Development Kit (DV164039)
This low cost development kit is
an efficient means to evaluate the
features and performance of the
PIC24FJ256DA210 with integrated
graphics, mTouch and USB. This
kit is an ideal platform for new graphical human interface
developers. It bundles the PIC24FJ256DA210 Development
Board (DM240312), a 3.2" Truly 240x320 TFT Display
Board (AC164127-4), three Graphics Display Prototype
Boards (AC164139), the MPLAB ICD 3 Debugger with USB
Cable (DV164035) and accessories. For those interested
in purchasing the kit components, each item can also be
purchased separately.
Enhanced mTouch Capacitive Touch Evaluation Kit
This evaluation kit provides a simple
platform for developing a variety of
capacitive touch sense applications
using PIC16F, PIC18F, PIC24F and PIC32
microcontrollers. The diagnostic tool
provided allows the user to analyze
application-critical information in real-time as it relates to
touch sensor behavior.