Rugged Environment
DC-DC Converters <100 W
Edition 2/96 - Melcher AG
7 - 25
The Power Partners.
Type Key and Product Marking
Type Key
C M Z 2 5 40 -7 E R P D V A H F U
Input voltage range
8...35 V DC ............... A
14...70 V DC ............... B
20...100 V DC ............... F
28...140 V DC .............. C
44...220 V DC .............. D
67...385 V DC ............... E 1
85...264 V AC, 88...372 V DC .............. L
Family .............. M
Class II Equipment ............... Z
Blank .................
Number of outputs .......... 1...3
Output 1,
Uo1 nom:
5.1 V .......... 0...2
12 V ............... 3
15 V .......... 4...5
24 V ............... 6
other voltages .......... 7...8
48 V ............... 9
other specs for single output modules ...... 01...99
Output 2 and 3,
Uo2 nom, Uo3 nom:
5.1 V ...... 01...19
12 V ...... 20...39
15 V ...... 40...59
24 V ...... 60...69
other voltages for multiple output modules ...... 70...99
Ambient temperature range
°C .............. -7
°C .............. -9
customer specific ........ -0...-6
Output voltage control input (single output modules only) R 2
Inrush current limitation (C/E/LM and C/LMZ only) ......... E
Potentiometers for fine adjustment of output voltages ..... P 2
Save data signal (D0...D9, to be specified) ..................... D 3
ACFAIL signal (V0, V2, V3, to be specified) .................... V 3
Output voltage test sockets .............................................. A
Increased electric strength test voltage (O/C) ................. H
Input fuse built-in (not accessible) ................................... F
UL recognized component for
A max ............................... U
1 EM types upon custom specifications available
2 Feature R excludes option P and vice versa
3 Option D excludes option V and vice versa
CM 2540-7PD3A: DC-DC converter, input voltage range 28...140 V, providing output 1 with 15 V/1.7 A and
output 2 with 15 V/1.7 A; equipped with potentiometers, undervoltage monitor and test sockets.
Product Marking (refer also to "Mechanical Data")
Main face:
Basic type designation, applicable safety approval and recognition marks, warnings, pin allocation, Melcher
patents and company logo.
Front plate:
Identification of LEDs, optional test sockets and potentiometers.
Back plate:
Specific type designation, input voltage range, nominal output voltage(s) and current(s), pin allocation of op-
tions and auxiliary functions, fuse specification and degree of protection.
Rear face:
Label with batch no., serial no. and data code comprising production site, modification status of the main
PCB, date of production. Confirmation of successfully passed final test.
Accessories: Front panels, female connectors, mounting facilities, etc. please refer to section "Accessories".