Using DK900 as a Development Platform for 8051 MCU users:
The ST DK900 Development Board provides the following capabilities
Demonstrate design concepts early, optimizing time to market
Jump start user application with proven framework (hardware and software)
Substitute for user target system until target prototypes are available
Gives instant platform for testing ISP and IAP demonstration.
Allows programming the PSD using included Flashlink cable
General Board Description
The DK900 Development Board is specific to the 8051 microcontroller family. The board contains an empty
socket for the PSD9xx, which can be populated with the included PSD9xx family component.
Downloading to the Development Board
Executable code can be downloaded to the Development Board two different ways; via the JTAG (ISP)or via
the UART (IAP). Both methods are described and demonstrated in the Step by Step demos for ISP and IAP
earlier in this manual.
The ISP programming can program all elements within the PSD (PLD, MAIN FLASH, secondary FLASH
memory and all configuration elements) using the 2x7 connector. That is, all internal PSD components can be
programmed via this channel.
The IAP method uses a standard null modem PC serial cable (F-F) and PSDload PC software downloaded from
the web as well as the UART of the installed 8032. This method allows only data and executable code to be
downloaded over a PC serial link. This method is not restricted in destination to the PSD. The destination can
be any resources on the Eval Board itself; PSD components or the external SRAM (SRAM not supplied, user
must solder in standard 32Kx8 SRAM if you desire more SRAM than is contained in the PSD).
PSDload, a win95/98/NT compatible application for the PC, administers the PC side of the serial link.
The PSD813F JTAG interface provides the capability of programming all memory within the PSD ( PLD,
configuration, MAIN and secondary FLASH memory and BOOT areas ). This interface can also be used to
program a completely blank component as JTAG enabled is the default PSD state. See Application Note 54
(AN054) for further description on our CD or website at
The LCD will be non operational during JTAG - ISP, since the MCU is not operating. During this interval, the
PSD is not connected to the MCU bus.
ST provides a FlashLINK programmer to facilitate this JTAG programming operation. The
FlashLINK programmer connects the PC parallel port to the Eval Board JTAG connector and is driven by
PSDsoft Express, the PSD development tool.