USB CY7C63722/23
Document #: 38-08022 Rev. **
Page 15 of 58
Bit 3: Low-voltage Reset Disable
When V
drops below V
(see Section 25.0 for the value of V
) and the Low-voltage Reset circuit is enabled, the
microcontroller enters a partial suspend state for a period of t
(see Section 26.0 for the value of t
). Program
execution begins from address 0x0000 after this t
delay period. This provides time for V
to stabilize before the part
executes code. See Section 10.1 for more details.
1 = Disables the LVR circuit.
0 = Enables the LVR circuit.
Bit 2: Precision USB Clocking Enable
The Precision USB Clocking Enable only affects operation in internal oscillator mode.
In that mode, this bit must be set to
1 to cause the internal clock to automatically precisely tune to USB timing requirements (6 MHz ±1.5%)
. The frequency
may have a looser initial tolerance at power-up, but all USB transmissions from the chip will meet the USB specification.
1 = Enabled. The internal clock accuracy is
6 MHz ±1.5%
after USB traffic is received
0 = Disabled. The internal clock accuracy is 6 MHz ±5%.
Bit 1: Internal Clock Output Disable
The Internal Clock Output Disable is used to keep the internal clock from driving out to the XTALOUT pin. This bit has no effect
in the external oscillator mode.
1 = Disable internal clock output. XTALOUT pin will drive HIGH.
0 = Enable the internal clock output. The internal clock is driven out to the XTALOUT pin.
Bit 0: External Oscillator Enable
At power-up, the chip operates from the internal clock by default. Setting the External Oscillator Enable bit HIGH disables the
internal clock, and halts the part while the external resonator/crystal oscillator is started. Clearing this bit has no immediate
effect, although the state of this bit is used when waking out of suspend mode to select between internal and external clock.
In internal clock mode, XTALIN pin will be configured as an input with a weak pull-down and can be used as a GPIO input
1 = Enable the external oscillator. The clock is switched to external clock mode, as described in Section 9.1.
0 = Enable the internal oscillator.
The internal oscillator provides an operating clock, factory set to a nominal frequency of 6 MHz. This clock requires no external
components. At power-up, the chip operates from the internal clock. In this mode, the internal clock is buffered and driven to the
XTALOUT pin by default, and the state of the XTALIN pin can be read at Port 2.1. While the internal clock is enabled, its output
can be disabled at the XTALOUT pin by setting the Internal Clock Output Disable bit of the Clock Configuration Register.
Setting the External Oscillator Enable bit of the Clock Configuration Register HIGH disables the internal clock, and halts the part
while the external resonator/crystal oscillator is started. The steps involved in switching from Internal to External Clock mode are
as follows:
1. At reset, chip begins operation using the internal clock.
2. Firmware sets Bit 0 of the Clock Configuration Register. For example,
mov A, 1h
; Set Bit 0 HIGH (External Oscillator Enable bit). Bit 7 cleared gives faster start-up
iowr F8h
; Write to Clock Configuration Register
3. Internal clocking is halted, the internal oscillator is disabled, and the external clock oscillator is enabled.
4. After the external clock becomes stable, chip clocks are re-enabled using the external clock signal. (Note that the time for the
external clock to become stable depends on the external resonating device; see next section.)
5. After an additional delay the CPU is released to run. This delay depends on the state of the Ext. Clock Resume Delay bit of
the Clock Configuration Register. The time is 128
s if the bit is 0, or 4 ms if the bit is 1.
6. Once the chip has been set to external oscillator, it can only return to internal clock when waking from suspend mode. Clearing
bit 0 of the Clock Configuration Register will not re-enable internal clock mode until suspend mode is entered. See Section
11.0 for more details on suspend mode operation.
If the Internal Clock is enabled, the XTALIN pin can serve as a general purpose input, and its state can be read at Port 2, Bit 1
(P2.1). Refer to
Figure 12-8
for the Port 2 Data Register. In this mode, there is a weak pull-down at the XTALIN pin. This input
cannot provide an interrupt source to the CPU.
Internal/External Oscillator Operation