The CS5361 battery charger controller has been designed
with the flexibility to charge several types of batteries, such
as Lithium Ion, Nickel Cadmium, Nickel Metal Hydride and
Lead Acid. The differences in chemistry between different
battery types result in differing charge requirements.
Lithium Ion batteries are charged with a constant voltage,
current limit supply. When the battery voltage is low, the
charger operates in constant current mode. When the battery
voltage reaches 4.2 V, the current begins to taper off and the
charger enters into constant voltage mode until the current
essentially reaches zero. Nickel Cadmium and Nickel Metal
Hydride batteries can be charged with a constant current
profile. Lead Acid batteries are charged with a constant
voltage, current limiting supply or with a constant–current
For a battery charger with the capability to charge all those
battery types, at least two operation modes are required:
constant current mode and constant voltage mode.
Synchronous operation enables designs with greater than
94% efficiency to be realized.
Control Method
1. Current Control
I2 control scheme is employed to regulate the charging
current. The sense resistor senses the inductor current. A low
offset, high speed Current Sense amplifier with rail–to–rail
inputs amplifies the voltage across the sense resistor. The
output of the amplifier (ISENSE), which is proportional to the
inductor current, is used as feedback for two control loops.
The DC level is used by the outer loop and is fed to the
Average Current Error Amplifier. The Error Amplifier
compares ISENSE to an externally set reference voltage IAVG
and generates a PWM control voltage ICOMP. Charger
designers can use the ICOMP pin to design the compensation
for the Average Current Amplifier. The current ripple is used
as the ramp signal of the PWM comparator. I2 control has
inherent compensation for duty cycle in response to line
voltage or load changes. Changes in line and load conditions
affect the inductor current. Because the ramp signal of the
PWM comparator is generated from the inductor current, the
duty cycle can be adjusted on a pulse by pulse basis. Since
the fast PWM control loop handles transient response, a high
gain, low bandwidth error amplifier can be used to improve
DC accuracy, stability and noise immunity.
Figure 3. I2 Control Scheme
2. Voltage Control
Current mode voltage control method is used to regulate
the voltage. The VFB pin monitors the battery voltage. A
resistor divider is used to scale the voltage down to the
reference level set at the VREF(IN) pin. CS5361 provides a
4.2 V
± 0.8%reference voltage which can obviate the need
for a resistor network if charging a single 4.2 V cell. VFB and
VREF(IN) are the two inputs of the Voltage Error Amplifier.
The output VCOMP is compared with the ramp signal, which
is generated from the inductor current, to adjust the duty
cycle. Similar to ICOMP, VCOMP provides user with
compensation capability.
CS5361 provides a controlled startup of regulator output
current and voltage through the Error Amplifiers and
external compensation networks. The capacitor at the ICOMP
output provides true current soft start. As the capacitor
charges up, the Average Current Error Amplifier signal
increases. The output current of the regulator ramps up in a
controlled manner. The compensation network at VCOMP
has the similar function, which will prevent instantaneous
switching of the output voltage.
The battery charger controller is designed for constant
frequency operation. The user can adjust the switching
frequency from 100 kHz to 500 kHz by connecting a resistor
from the OSC pin to GND. This function simplifies the