Data Device Corporation
105 Wilbur Place
Bohemia, New York 11716
631-567-5600 Fax: 631-567-7358
Technical Support:
1-800-DDC-5757 ext. 7234
Complete Integrated Remote
Terminal Including:
Dual Low-Power 5V Only Transceiver
Complete RT Protocol Logic
Supports MIL-STD-1553A/B Notice 2,
STANAG-3838 RT, and
MIL-STD-1760 Stores Management
1.0 X 1.0 Inch, 72-pin Package
Choice of 5V or 3.3V Logic Power
Meets 1553A/McAir Response Time
Internal FIFO for Burst Mode
Capability on Receive Data
16-bit DMA Interface
Auto Configuration Capability
Comprehensive Built-In Self-Test
Direct Interface to Simple
(Processorless) Systems
Selectable Input Clock:
10, 12, 16, or 20 MHz
The BU-61703/5 Simple System RT (SSRT) MIL-STD-1553 terminals
provide a complete interface between a simple system and a MIL-
STD-1553 bus. These terminals integrate dual transceiver, protocol
logic, and a FIFO memory for received messages in a 1.0 inch square
ceramic package. The SSRT provides multi-protocol support of MIL-
STD-1553A/B, MIL-STD-1760, McAir, and STANAG-3838.
The SSRT's transceivers are completely monolithic, require only a
+5V supply, and consume low power. There are versions of the sim-
ple system RT available with transceivers trimmed for MIL-STD-1760
compliance, or compatible to McAir standards. As a means of further
reducing power consumption, the SSRT is available in versions with
its logic powered by +3.3V, or +5V. The SSRT can operate with a
choice of clock frequencies of 10, 12, 16, or 20 MHz.
The SSRT incorporates a built-in self-test (BIT). This BIT, which is
processed following power turn-on or after receipt of an Initiate self-
test mode command, provides a comprehensive test of the SSRT's
encoders, decoders, protocol, transmitter watchdog timer, and proto-
col. The SSRT also includes an auto-configuration feature.
The SSRT is ideal for stores and other simple systems that do not
require a microprocessor. To streamline the interface to simple sys-
tems, the SSRT includes an internal 32-word FIFO for received data
words. This serves to ensure that only complete, consistent blocks of
validated data words are transferred to a system.
2000 Data Device Corporation
Simple System RT (SSRT)
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