2002 Teccor Electronics
Thyristor Product Catalog
+1 972-580-7777
Cross Reference Guide
Triacs, SCRs, Diacs, Sidacs, and Rectifiers
(Suggested Teccor Replacements for JEDEC and
Industry House Numbers)
How To Use This Guide
This Cross Reference Guide will help you determine the compet-
itive products that Teccor supplies on either a DIRECT
Teccor offers replacements for most competitive devices. If you
do not find a desired competitive product type listed, please con-
tact the factory for information on recent additions to this list.
On the following pages, listed in alphanumeric order, you will
Competitive product number
Teccor device part number
“D” indicating the Direct replacement (Teccor device meets or
exceeds the electrical and mechanical specifications of the
competitive device); “S” indicates a Suggested replacement
(The suggested replacements in this guide represent the
nearest Teccor equivalent for the product listed and in most
instances are replacements. However, Teccor assumes no
responsibility and does not guarantee that the replacements
are exact; only that the replacements will meet the terms of
its applicable published written specifications. The pertinent
Teccor specification sheet should be used as the principle
tool for actual replacements.)
Teccor package type
For additional assistance, contact your nearest Teccor distributor,
sales representative, or the factory.