Axcelerator Family FPGAs
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5V Tolerance
There are two schemes to achieve 5 V tolerance:
1. 3.3 V PCI and 3.3 V PCI-X are the only I/O standards that directly allow 5 V tolerance. To
implement this, an internal clamp diode between the input pad and the VCCI pad is enabled so
that the voltage at the input pin is clamped, as shown in
EQ 3:Vinput = VCCI + Vdiode = 3.3 V + 0.7 V = 4.0 V
EQ 3
The internal VCCI clamp diode is only enabled while the device is powered on, so the voltage at the input
will not be clamped if the VCCI or VCCA are powered off. An external series resistor (~100 ) is required
between the input pin and the 5 V signal source to limit the current to less than 20 mA
(Figure 2-3). The
clamp diode is available for all I/O standards and always enabled.
2. 5 V tolerance can also be achieved with 3.3 V I/O standards (3.3 V PCI, 3.3 V PCI-X, and LVTTL)
using a bus-switch product (e.g. IDTQS32X2384). This will convert the 5 V signal to a 3.3 V signal
Simultaneous Switching Outputs (SSO)
When multiple output drivers switch simultaneously, they induce a voltage drop in the chip/package
power distribution. This simultaneous switching momentarily raises the ground voltage within the device
relative to the system ground. This apparent shift in the ground potential to a non-zero value is known as
simultaneous switching noise (SSN) or more commonly, ground bounce.
SSN becomes more of an issue in high pin count packages and when using high performance devices
such as the Axcelerator family. Based upon testing, Microsemi recommends that users not exceed eight
simultaneous switching outputs (SSO) per each VCCI/GND pair. To ease this potential burden on
designers, Microsemi has designed all of the Axcelerator BGAs3 to not exceed this limit with the
exception of the CS180, which has an I/O to VCCI/GND pair ratio of nine to one.
Figure 2-3
Use of an External Resistor for 5 V Tolerance
Figure 2-4
Bus Switch IDTQS32X2384
The user should note that in Bank 8 of both AX1000-FG484 and AX500-FG484, there are local violations of this 8:1 ratio.
Non-Microsemi Part
Mirosemi FPGA
5 V
3.3 V
5 V
3.3 V
5 V