2000 Microchip Technology Inc.
Advanced Information
DS30475A-page 261
The PIC18CXX8 instruction set adds many enhance-
ments to the previous PICmicro instruction sets, while
maintaining an easy migration from these PICmicro
instruction sets.
Most instructions are a single program memory word
(16-bits), but there are three instructions that require
two program memory locations.
Each single word instruction is a 16-bit word divided
into an OPCODE, which specifies the instruction type
and one or more operands, which further specify the
operation of the instruction.
The instruction set is highly orthogonal and is grouped
into four basic categories:
Byte-oriented operations
Bit-oriented operations
Literal operations
Control operations
Table 23-2 lists byte-oriented, bit-oriented, literal and control operations.
Table 23-1 shows the opcode
field descriptions.
Most byte-oriented instructions have three operands:
The file register (specified by the value of ’f’)
The destination of the result
(specified by the value of ’d’)
The accessed memory
(specified by the value of ’a’)
'f' represents a file register designator and 'd' repre-
sents a destination designator. The file register desig-
nator specifies which file register is to be used by the
The destination designator specifies where the result of
the operation is to be placed. If 'd' is zero, the result is
placed in the WREG register. If 'd' is one, the result is
placed in the file register specified in the instruction.
All bit-oriented instructions have three operands:
The file register (specified by the value of ’f’)
The bit in the file register
(specified by the value of ’b’)
The accessed memory
(specified by the value of ’a’)
'b' represents a bit field designator which selects the
number of the bit affected by the operation, while 'f' rep-
resents the number of the file in which the bit is located.
The literal instructions may use some of the following
A literal value to be loaded into a file register
(specified by the value of ’k’)
The desired FSR register to load the literal value
into (specified by the value of ’f’)
No operand required
(specified by the value of ’—’)
The control instructions may use some of the following
A program memory address (specified by the
value of ’n’)
The mode of the Call or Return instructions (spec-
ified by the value of ’s’)
The mode of the Table Read and Table Write
instructions (specified by the value of ’m’)
No operand required
(specified by the value of ’—’)
All instructions are a single word, except for four double
word instructions. These three instructions were made
double word instructions so that all the required infor-
mation is available in these 32-bits. In the second word,
the 4-MSb’s are 1’s. If this second word is executed as
an instruction (by itself), it will execute as a NOP.
All single word instructions are executed in a single
instruction cycle, unless a conditional test is true or the
program counter is changed as a result of the instruc-
tion. In these cases, the execution takes two instruction
cycles with the additional instruction cycle(s) executed
as a NOP.
The double word instructions execute in two instruction
One instruction cycle consists of four oscillator periods.
Thus, for an oscillator frequency of 4 MHz, the normal
instruction execution time is 1
s. If a conditional test is
true or the program counter is changed as a result of an
instruction, the instruction execution time is 2
s. Two
word branch instructions (if true) would take 3
Figure 23-1 shows the general formats that the instruc-
tions can have.
All examples use the following format to represent a
hexadecimal number:
where h signifies a hexadecimal digit.
lists the instructions recognized by the Microchip
assembler (MPASMTM).